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How To Shut Up Piers Morgan

How To Shut Up Piers Morgan

As mentioned in my last post, Piers Morgan is blowing up CNN with every gun rights person he can find, then takes pleasure looking down his rather snotty nose at them.

My problem is that the gun activists/supporters are allowing this man to dictate the argument which is completely the wrong argument. They should not be engaging Mr. Morgan with why we want military type weapons. The argument should be pointed directly at him.

If any research had been done you could see that Piers Morgan is Jerry Springer with an english accent. One should also point out to Piers Morgan that he was brought up and educated in a country that has long since given up its own freedoms, and they don’t even realize it yet. 

Mr. Morgan has NO grasp on what it means to be an American.

He never stood up in class and with his hand on his heart and pledged allegiance to the Stars and Stripes. He never went through atomic bomb drills as an elementary student out of fear of a communist nuclear attack. He never played little league baseball or went to a parade on the Fourth of July. He will never understand what Normandy or Pearl Harbor means to the average American. He did not watch Gunsmoke, Davy Crockett, or any John Wayne movies where good guy defeats bad guy every time. …he was raised on Benny Hill. He does not and never will understand why the kid in the movie “A Christmas Story” would want or need a Red Ryder BB gun.

So I hope the next guest that appears on Piers Morgan to debate assault weapons they remember they can end the argument quickly.
Simply tell him he is not an American and does not know what it means to be an American, therefor and he is not qualified to debate the issue. Then get up, take the mic off, and walk out of the interview.   Priceless.