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Union Causes 627 To Lose Jobs

Union Causes 627 To Lose Jobs

So they vote 92% to strike, after months of negotiations, and Hostess told them if they strike the plants will close. They struck, they closed the plants…..forever.

Employee or former employee.    Seems like a no brainer for me, considering the job outlook for the next four years. Good luck Hostess workers, I am sure the company can find a right to work state to start a new plant. Enjoy your unemployment.
UPDATE: 18,500 Workers lose their jobs due to 5000 union bakers. What a sad, sad story. Don’t blame Hostess one little bit.
The closing will result in Hostess’ nearly 18,500 workers losing their jobs as the company shuts 33 bakeries and 565 distribution centers nationwide. The bakers’ union represents around 5,000.
Hostess will move to sell its assets to the highest bidder. That could mean new life for some of its most popular products, which could be scooped up at auction and attached to products from other companies.
“We deeply regret the necessity of today’s decision, but we do not have the financial resources to weather an extended nationwide strike,” said CEO Gregory Rayburn in a statement.
The company had given a 5 p.m. ET deadline for the bakers to return to work or face a shutdown of the company. The unions at Hostess could not be reached immediately for comment on the decision.


If you work for a man, in heaven’s name work for him. If he pays you wages which supply you bread and butter, work for him; speak well of him; stand by him, and stand by the institution he represents. If put to a pinch, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness. If you must vilify, condemn, and eternally disparage, resign your position, and when you are outside, damn to your heart’s content, but as long as you are part of the institution do not condemn it. If you do that, you are loosening the tendrils that are holding you to the institution, and at the first high wind that comes along, you will be uprooted and blown away, and will probably never know the reason why.                                    _Elbert Hubbard