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Tag: Fake

Make It Stop….Please

Make It Stop….Please

A Nod To Zip for the article:

The Obama Administration has given a former director at the scandal-plagued Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) nearly half a billion dollars to offer “struggling” Illinois homeowners mortgage assistance, a Judicial Watch investigation has found.

It means the ACORN official (Joe McGavin) will go from operating a corrupt leftist community group that’s banned by Congress from receiving federal funding to controlling over $445 million in U.S. taxpayer funds. The money is part of a $7.6 billion Treasury Department program to help the “unemployed or substantially underemployed” make their mortgage payments.

In this case, JW found that a subcomponent of the state-run Illinois Housing Development Authority, known as the Illinois Hardest Hit Program, has just received a generous $445,603,557 Treasury infusion. The Obama Administration established Hardest Hit in 2010 to provide targeted aid to families in states hit hardest by the economic and housing market downturn, according to its website.

In early 2011 McGavin was appointed as director of Hardest Hit. Before that he was director of counseling for ACORN Housing in Chicago and operations manager for a Chicago ACORN offshoot called Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA). His strong ties to ACORN make him a suspect candidate to handle such a huge amount of taxpayer dollars.

Mother of The Decade….

Mother of The Decade….

…Cher, tweets she won’t be able to breathe if Romney wins election. Teh, really? Ms. Bono, Ms. Allman, Ms. Whoever the fuck you are, you can’t breathe in L.A. anyway, and when Romney wins, I am sure you can take your shriveled up Botox ass anywhere you want.

You have done such a fabulous job raising your own kid. I don’t know how you could turn that little girl into what she is, but you managed to fuck her up.
I think it would be best if you just stayed the hell out of politics, because your liberal friends are doing just fine screwing things up, just as you have as a mother.

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