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Amnesty: Pay To Play

Amnesty: Pay To Play


Mexicans don’t pay taxes, big news dumb-asses. I am not trying to be controversial on this, I know them personally, they will do whatever it takes to screw the system. I know this for fact. They will TAKE free health care, no taxes paid, cash for work, free education…need I go further? This Gang of Eight Amnesty bill is a travesty and should be struck down in the harshest language.

Negotiators had to choose between a hard-line approach favored by Republicans, like Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), that would have required immigrants and employers to painstakingly piece together a tax history so the government could collect what is owed and a less burdensome option of focusing on people who already have a past-due bill with the Internal Revenue Service.

They chose the milder approach and punted the details to the Treasury Department and IRS to hash out down the road.

The legislation now simply requires any currently undocumented immigrant to pay “any applicable federal tax liability.” That most likely means that only those people who filed tax paperwork like a W-2 or I-9 form with their employer could potentially be hit by a tax bill, and only if they missed a tax payment in the past.

Negotiators continued using the term “back taxes” when selling the plan and trying to allay concerns among conservatives that the proposal would not be tough enough on immigrants who entered the country illegally.

“The term back taxes is part of their lingo, but I think what people want is to make sure people are paying their fair share,” said Marshall Fitz, the director of immigration policy at the liberal Center for American Progress. “There isn’t this punitive retribution mentality like you have to go back and correct all of your mistakes.”

The dishonesty of the amnesty crowd is breathtaking even by the usual low standards of politics. Of course, since they won’t even admit it’s amnesty (and it is amnesty), this isn’t anything remotely surprising.


Who The Hell Is In Charge Of These Agencies?

Who The Hell Is In Charge Of These Agencies?

Who do these government agencies think they are? How can they think that it is OK to take possession of a company vehicle and an employee of a small business without the permission of the business owner? Just who the hell do they think they are? I can’t fathom any reason whatsoever that would give a government agency a reason to pull a stunt like this. And what is sad, taxpayers will have to make this right.
Heads should roll on this. The people in charge need to start losing jobs, they have already been directly responsible for the death of the truck driver. Absolutely mind-blowing.
Fast & Furious make room for a new bunch of meddling fools. A Nod To Ace Of Spades for the story and link.

The phone rang before sunrise. It woke Craig Patty, owner of a tiny North Texas trucking company, to vexing news about Truck 793 – a big red semi supposedly getting repairs in Houston.

“Your driver was shot in your truck,” said the caller, a business colleague. “Your truck was loaded with marijuana. He was shot eight times while sitting in the cab. Do you know anything about your driver hauling marijuana?”

“What did you say?” Patty recalled asking. “Could you please repeat that?”

The truck, it turned out, had been everywhere but in the repair shop.

Commandeered by one of his drivers, who was secretly working with federal agents, the truck had been hauling marijuana from the border as part of an undercover operation. And without Patty’s knowledge, the Drug Enforcement Administration was paying his driver, Lawrence Chapa, to use the truck to bust traffickers.

At least 17 hours before that early morning phone call, Chapa was shot dead in front of more than a dozen law enforcement officers – all of them taken by surprise by hijackers trying to steal the red Kenworth T600 truck and its load of pot.

In the confusion of the attack in northwest Harris County, compounded by officers in the operation not all knowing each other, a Houston policeman shot and wounded a Harris County sheriff’s deputy.

Still waiting

But eight months later, Patty still can’t get recompense from the U.S. government’s decision to use his truck and employee without his permission.

His company, which hauls sand as part of hydraulic fracturing operations for oil and gas companies, was pushed to the brink of failure after the attack because the truck was knocked out of commission, he said. Patty had only one other truck in operation.
In documents shared with the Houston Chronicle, he is demanding that the DEA pay $133,532 in repairs and lost wages over the bullet-sprayed truck, and $1.3 million more for the damage to himself and his family, who fear retaliation by a drug cartel over the bungled narcotics sting.
“When you start a new business, there are obvious pitfalls you go through, a learning curve,” said Patty, who before buying his two trucks worked in the pharmaceutical industry. “But who would ever be ready to deal with this?

“How am I — a small businessman, father of three, American Joe from Texas — supposed to make a claim against a federal agency that has conveniently shrouded itself behind a red, white and blue cloak of confidentiality and secrecy?” Copies of letters and emails from Patty’s insurance company state that it won’t pay for repairs because the truck was part of a law-enforcement operation. Patty drew from his 401K retirement fund to repair the truck, which was out of operation for 100 days.

“I was not part of this,” he said. “I had absolutely no knowledge of any of it until after it happened. “For its part, the DEA has not admitted that it was using Chapa as a spy because its official policy is not to comment on whether someone was an informant. Lisa Johnson, a spokeswoman for the DEA Houston Division, confirmed that Patty’s demand had been received and noted that it would be investigated by the agency. But the Chronicle established Chapa was an informant based on interviews with multiple law-enforcement officials who spoke on the condition they not be named, and later by courtroom comments of prosecutors.

Patty’s request chronicles much of what he’s been through, including the operating costs for his trucks and everything repaired or replaced due to the attack. Among other disturbing chores was the need to hire a Spring-based company to clean up the mess in the cab caused by the killing.

Houston lawyer Mark Bennett, who is advising Patty, said if Patty’s initial claim is not resolved, the next step would be to sue.

1,000-mile detour

Patty hired Chapa five weeks before the shooting and now wonders how many of the trips in the $90,000 rig included DEA work. GPS information from the truck reveals an unauthorized trek to the Rio Grande Valley in the days before Chapa was killed. He took a 1,000-mile round trip detour from the route he was supposed to travel. Perhaps most unnerving, Patty says, is that drug mobsters now likely know his name, and certainly know his truck.

Border Chaos Due To Obama Amnesty Program

Border Chaos Due To Obama Amnesty Program

I wrote in an earlier post that when word gets out about the amnesty program for Dreamers, all hell would break loose on the border and thousands would come across to claim amnesty as a Dreamer.
Well, here is the proof. Not my assumption….these are the head dudes that deal with this element everyday.
Seems like Hope and Change was meant for people other than American citizens.     What a shame.

How Do You Spank A Rogue State? Ask Arizona!

How Do You Spank A Rogue State? Ask Arizona!

This is not an executive administration, this is a “regime” using the executive branch to punish those whom they find out of line or bothersome. It is the Chicago way! A Nod to Weasel Zippers for the article.

( – The administration’s decision to end agreements with law enforcement agencies in Arizona just hours after the Supreme Court’s June 25 ruling on the state’s immigration law was not a political move, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director John Morton told lawmakers Tuesday.
Under section 287 (g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, state and local law enforcement forces can partner with ICE to enforce immigration laws in their jurisdictions. Immediately following the Supreme Court’s ruling on Arizona Senate Bill 1070, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) suspended 287 (g) programs with the state’s law enforcement agencies.

The landmark decision deemed most of SB 1070’s provisions unconstitutional, but upheld the provision allowing Arizona law enforcement to request documentation from individuals suspected to be in the United States illegally.

During a hearing Tuesday of the House Homeland Security subcommittee on border and maritime security, vice-chairman Rep. Ben Quayle (R-Ariz.) asked Morton about the decision to suspend 287 (g) agreements in the state.

“I find it a little concerning that you recently gotten rid of the 287(g) agreement with Arizona state and local law enforcement agencies,” Quayle said. “What is the reasoning behind it? Why pick Arizona as the sole one right now, to actually remove a program that, you said, was an essential component of DHS’s comprehensive immigration enforcement strategy?”

What The Hell Just Happened?

What The Hell Just Happened?

I have been working my ass off trying to wrap my head around this new job so I have been out of the loop as far as the latest on the political front. Just have not had the time. So the weekend is here and my saturday morning routine begins.
I retrieve my paper from the drive, retreat to the patio for a cup of coffee, light up a heater and begin reading the morning news.
And what is the first thing that slaps me in the face, Obambam has issued another executive order to enact the portions of the Dream Act. I was stunned.

After reading through the article it is not amnesty, but so close that the next order coming out of this administrations ass will complete the amnesty process. It is pure and simply a political ploy to get him re-elected. To hell with the will of the American people. Fuck Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, and California, the states directly affected by this order.

A Few Happy "Dream Act" Winners

Now, roll this around in your brain for a second. Let’s say you robbed a bank at 18… away with it….and 10 years later would be granted immunity from prosecution. How many 18 year olds would be robbing banks thinking that if are successful, just by waiting a few years there is the possibility they won’t have to worry about the consequences.
That is a simplistic theory, but how many mexicans who live in a shit hole of a country will now take the chance of crossing the border illegally under the premise that they too may be granted amnesty to stay.

We are going to see a massive surge in crossings just because Obama decided he needed to beef up his latino base to secure more votes for his re-election chances. The man has no sense of national security or what is best for the states that are directly effected by the order.
The man should be impeached and sent back to his Chicago ghetto from wince he came. The sooner the better for America.

Below is a summary of the “Executive Order” and what legal precedent it has. Note the bolded emphasis in the second paragraph. That say’s it all.
This order should be repealed or overturned by Congress NOW! Contact your senators and congressman immediately and turn up the heat. I did before writing this post.


In summary, the President’s authority to issue executive orders and proclamations is neither explicitly stated in the Constitution nor in statute. However, it is generally accepted that the President derives his authority to act from Article II of the Constitution. The President’s authority is primarily based upon the following language of Article II: “the executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States,” “the President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States,” and “he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.”[122]

Because the Framers of the Constitution left the question of executive authority open to interpretation, there has been much confusion and controversy since the first proclamation was issued by President George Washington.[123] Although this confusion and debate persists, some clarifying guideposts have been developed. Youngstown has enlightened the situation by providing a tripartite standard which simply states three degrees of presidential authority in issuing executive orders and proclamations. Briefly stated, these three categories include executive orders and proclamations issued pursuant to: (1) an express or implied authorization of Congress (presidential authority is at its maximum); (2) are incompatible with the expressed or implied will of Congress, and thus rely solely upon his constitutional authority (presidential power is at its lowest ebb); and (3) undefined powers that lay in a “zone of twilight” (presidential power is uncertain). The judiciary has also expanded its examination of executive orders and proclamations to include a review of legislative history when necessary.

Other than relying upon the judiciary to determine the validity of executive orders and proclamations, Congress may also play a role. Congress may effectively oversee presidential action by amending or repealing legislation, retroactively, which authorizes the President to issue executive orders or proclamations. Congress may propose a constitutional amendment which would remove a particular power from the President. Finally, where Congress is silent, and the President has acted, Congress may legislate to either support or derail such action unless that action is firmly based on exclusive constitutional authority.

How A Democracy Dies

How A Democracy Dies

The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the
beginning of history, has been about 200 years.

During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the
following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.”

The decline  follows:

Born 1776, Died 2012
It doesn’t hurt to read this several times.

Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in  St.
Paul , Minnesota , points out some interesting facts concerning the last Presidential election:

Number of States won by:            Obama: 19                McCain: 29
Square miles of land won by:       Obama: 580,000        McCain: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by:    Obama: 127 million  McCain: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2 McCain: 2.1

Professor Olson adds: “In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was
mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.

Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income
tenements and living off various forms of government welfare…”

Olson believes the  United States is now somewhere between the
“complacency and apathy” phase of Professor Tyler’s definition of democracy,
with some  forty percent of the nation’s population already having reached
the “governmental dependency” phase.

If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to illegal’s – and they vote – then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.

Of course we are not a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic .

There couldn’t be more at stake than on Nov 6, 2012. VOTE DAMMIT!!!!

Get In Line Or Get Sued

Get In Line Or Get Sued

With the lawsuit filed by the DOJ against Sherrif Joe now official, I think it is time for Congress to get official on Eric Holders ass.
One man does his job and does it very well, much to the chagrin of illegals and criminals in his county.
The other man is a complete and utter failure at his job. I say this because if you are the MMFIC of the United States Department of Justice, you are supposed to be demanding justice for everyone, but as you can see with Gibson Guitar, Fast and Furious, and now suing Sheriff Joe, he is only interested going after anyone that does not agree with the current administration. Is it a coincidence do you think that Arizona passed immigration reform, and Sherrif Joe found Obama’s birth certificate to be a forgery through his “Cold Case Posse” and is now under attack from the Obama regime, I think not.

This character flaw alone should get him fired, but the Fast and Furious debacle should get him prison time. This all goes back to Chicago style politics, and we as a nation had better remember that come November, or we will be in for far worse than what we have already witnessed, and if so, let the revolution begin.

The Justice Department announced Thursday that it has sued Arpaio, his office and Maricopa County for civil rights violations, including what it says is the long-standing racial profiling of Latinos.

“At its core, this is an abuse of power case involving Sheriff Arpaio and a sheriff’s office that disregarded the Constitution, ignored sound police practices and did not hesitate to retaliate against perceived critics in a variety of unlawful ways,” said Thomas E. Perez, assistant attorney general for the Civil Rights Division, at a press conference in Phoenix where the lawsuit was filed.

 A defiant Sheriff Joe Arpaio is preparing to tell President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder later today there is “no way” he will turn over the management of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office to the Justice Department despite the threat of a federal lawsuit.

 “Clean your own house, Eric Holder, before you come trying to clean mine,” Arpaio said today in a telephone interview with WND.

As WND has reported, the Justice Department has refused to produce evidence substantiating the allegations against Arpaio, insisting that the allegations themselves are sufficient to demand a remedy.

“It’s ironic, don’t you think,” Arpaio said, “that Eric Holder refuses to comply with congressional subpoenas to deliver to Congress the information about his management of the Justice Department, but the Justice Department has no hesitation to make public their complaints about me despite the fact those allegation have never been proved to be true?”