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Tag: obama

Special Kind of Annoying

Special Kind of Annoying

So, when Warren and others insinuated, as she reached the end of her trail of phony beers and quit the race, that the reason for her total defeat was that Americans would not vote for a woman, she was partially right. Americans would not vote for a woman like her because she is a very, very annoying woman. The same is true of Stumbles McMyturn. We dislike her too because she is annoying, and it’s a very specifically female kind of annoying.    Keep reading…..

It Starts with Government Provided Education then ends up as your Governing Bodies

It Starts with Government Provided Education then ends up as your Governing Bodies

Senator Dave Lawson Objecting to the First Muslim Prayer in Delaware Senate (Sound Only)

From 2017 but even more relevant today.


The lean to the left in this country is, well, despicable.

People are so worried about being politically correct and not offending the LGBTQ community or the illegal immigrants living here or minority religious groups, they are putting the concerns of actual citizens and residents at risk.

Well, Dave Lawson, a military veteran and state Senator for Delaware, was in a situation where the Quran was being read prior to a state Senate meeting in April 2017, and he finally hit his breaking point.

Lawson is an Air Force Veteran and did his tour of duty in Vietnam.

After the session opened with a prayer from the Quran, Lawson stood up to protest the reading.

He stated, “We just heard from the Quran, which calls for our very demise.

“I fought for this country, not to be damned by someone that comes in here and prays to their God for our demise.

“I think that’s despicable.”

Secret Votes

Secret Votes

Lots of Dem-leaning voters fashionably despise the president and enjoy their progressive posing, but Sanders actually believes the nonsense he’s spewing. He totally would take their doctors and SUVs, jack up their taxes, and hand them the bill for other people’s kids’ Oppression Studies degrees. Liberalism is all fine and dandy with them until they have to actually live it. Get ready for even more secret Trump voters as folks with fading “I’m With Her” stickers on their Teslas walk into the voting booth with their still-strong 401(k) numbers on their minds and flip the lever for The Donald.       Keep reading…..