FCC Commisioner Is Daughter Of House Democrat James Clyburn

FCC Commisioner Is Daughter Of House Democrat James Clyburn

The daughter of House Rep James Clyburn who was appointed by Obama is the leading advocate for monitoring newsrooms for their content. 

Advocates promote the project with Obama-esque rhetoric. “This study begins the charting of a course to a more effective Mignon+Clyburn+FCC+Meets+Discuss+Net+Neutrality+qQa2yuJPjl7ldelivery of necessary information to all citizens,” said FCC commissioner Mignon Clyburn in 2012. Clyburn, daughter of powerful House Democratic Rep. James Clyburn, was appointed to the FCC by President Obama and served as acting chair for part of last year. The FCC, Clyburn said, “must emphatically insist that we leave no American behind when it comes to meeting the needs of those in varied and vibrant communities of our nation — be they native born, immigrant, disabled, non-English speaking, low-income, or other.” (The FCC decided to test the program with a trial run in Ms. Clyburn’s home state, South Carolina.)

Cronyism at its finest. Any questions?

Her bio reads she ran a “newspaper” and worked as a community organizer. Here is the newspaper:

“Clyburn has been a virtual one-woman show behind The Coastal Times, editing, selling ads and distributing one of two black newspapers in the Charleston area,” reported The Post and Courierwhen Clyburn left for the PSC.

The Coastal Times, had a circulation of about 5,500 free and paid copies, mostly to black churches, according to Behre of The Post and Courier.

“I don’t think it was a big money maker or a big enough operation to where she could sell it to another publisher,” Behre says.

That screams qualified don’t it. I feel better now.

12 thoughts on “FCC Commisioner Is Daughter Of House Democrat James Clyburn

  1. Racial cronyism I believe,

    That’s how the President got 98% of the black vote.

    Being outnumbered doesn’t alway mean losing, but there does come a tipping point where the enemy outnumbers the amount of ammo you possess.

    1. Toejam – Sad but true. Seems fairly stupid appointing a person who is not qualified, but hey we did it with the current President so why not.

          1. Toejam – When I wrote “we” I meant America in general. In hind site I see the error and will make sure I call the people who elected Obama “them” instead of “we”. Thanks for the heads up, I am with you, I wouldn’t want anybody thinking “we” had anything to do with it.

    1. Tim – That is true, but do you expect that to stop them? If Bush attempted this there would be a cry heard round the world from the media.

    2. CTT,

      Do you honestly believe that will stop Obama and his band of militant progressives from destroying Conservative news papers?

  2. Right on, Toejam! The Ayatollah Obama has repeatedly to the point of incessantly doing whatever the hell he wants, The Constitution be damned. And if the right-thinking public doesn’t like it, too f**king bad.

    That ass-clown is not the President of the United States. Rather, he is the tyrannical monarchic autocrat of the United States.

    Do not be at all surprised if, sometime early in 2016, he declares the Constitution null and void via one of his “Executive Decrees” just so he can be ensconced as Dictator-for-Life. And all the Dumbocrats and way too many of the Republicans will blindly go along with it

    1. Scottie – They have been trying to nullify the constitution since they came to power. So it would not surprise me for them to try and alter the document to follow their agenda.

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