Nancy Pelosi Redux

Nancy Pelosi Redux

We have an election to win, don’t worry about my lies. Pelosi explains why Obamacare will lower premiums. July 1st 2012

 Then she backtracks on her statement:
“I don’t remember saying that everybody in the country would have a lower premium,” she said said in response to a question from The Weekly Standard

Now she is explaining why she knew she was lying, but wants you to know it is for your own good.

Pelosi said the sharp rise in medical costs, combined with the transient nature of the individual insurance market, would eventually have forced people out of their individual plans – ObamaCare or none.
“No matter what people say about whether they like their plan or not, their plan was not going to be their plan,” she said. “Everybody’s premiums were going up.”

So she knew all along, lied through her teeth to get it passed, and now says it’s the law so deal with it.
What a sack of shit. How these people are not thrown out of office escapes me, not through the election process, but for pure and simple dishonesty, corruption, and incompetence they should physically be removed from their positions now. Give them no options to resign, they work for us, we can fire them. No pension or benefits…just the walk of shame.

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