Get Your Money For Nothin And Your Chicks For Free

Get Your Money For Nothin And Your Chicks For Free

Incredibly the federal government wants us to put our faith, money, and personal information in their secure and nurturing hands once again. 

I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that everything the government touches fails, and fails miserably. The only success I can grant this behemoth is a strong military, and it takes hundreds of billions of dollars a year to keep that machine armed and ready. Like most government entities, the only way politicians know how to fix a problem is throw more money at it. And where the military is concerned I agree, but with this caveat, when you pay a military contractor five hundred dollars for a hammer, you may need to rethink who is doing the buying. I can go to my local hardware store and supply at least 20 hammers for that price, but I digress.

The point being, how in the hell do they expect us to trust them since they have screwed up everything we have entrusted them with in the past? Name one program that they have successfully put in place that has shown a profit. How about made our lives better?
Social Security? Yes they do give you back a few sheckles of what you paid in, but rumored to go broke in the next ten years.
Postal Service? Bankrupt…again.
Amtrak? Bankrupt….again.
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac? Google Barney Frank, Bill Clinton, and the Community Reinvestment Act. Massive Failure.
Medicaid? Insolvent.
Medicare/Welfare? Unsustainable.
Green Energy? Solyndra….nothing more to say.
Government Motors? Lost billions in the stock sell off. Unions kicked ass though.

Just a few of the thousands and thousands of programs or agencies that can’t succeed even with the hundred kazillion billion million dollars that the American taxpayer hands over to them each year. Nope, it is my judgement, using decades of proof, that the United States Government cannot handle Americas health care needs. It’s just a fact, they suck at business and need to keep there filthy, grimy, greedy, inept hands out of it.

By the way, the hardware and software for Obamacares contract was supposed to cost 93 million, they paid 634 million, and it doesn’t work. Yeah let’s trust ’em.

4 thoughts on “Get Your Money For Nothin And Your Chicks For Free

  1. Hell, the .gov took over a cathouse in Nevada years ago for non-payment of taxes and (under the rules) had to run it and try to make a profit.
    The .gov couldn’t make money selling booze and pussy in Nevada. (This might not have been Harry’s fault….) It wound up being sold.

  2. Don’t forget the Dept. of Education, which has ruined public schools in this country.

    And the Dept. of Energy, which prevents rather than encourages energy production.

    And the ATF, which arms drug cartels.

    And all the agencies involved in the war on poverty (which they lost).

    And all the agencies involved in the war on drugs (lost that one, too).

    And on, and on, and on…

    1. Tim – Nope I didn’t forget them, I used examples of government getting into commerce and the failures that have followed. The agencies you mentioned should be shuttered and assets sold off.

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