The Tentacles Of Washington DC

The Tentacles Of Washington DC

We should be infuriated that we have allowed government to touch so much of our lives.

My wife works in real estate. Due to the shutdown they can’t close home sales because of the required IRS confirmation of income before closing. This one little detail, which is a duplication of effort done early in when you qualify, is stopping people from buying or selling. It just bugs the shit out of me that something this minor is causing so much pain, people are losing homes, money, and valuable time. How many other “small” functions does the government pay a federal employee to do that should be handled in the private sector, or at least the state level.

The question I can’t answer is why? Why do we let the government be that intrusive in everyday dealings. Why can’t we turn it over to private companies, much like your credit bureaus, they have all of your information. Why can’t you have a private company handle these miniscule items? The shutdown proves that government is to damn big touching to many items that could be handled other ways.

In southern Utah they have shut down Zions National Park. The city of Springdale survives on tourist money, they are losing a large portion of their annual income due to the shutdown. I don’t give a rats ass at this point who is to blame for the shutdown, the bigger picture should be for the states to take back their lands. Don’t let the feds get their grimy greedy hands in anything. The states should handle all of their own parks period. Anytime a state gives up land, they give up rights to it, and at the whim of an oppressive regime, they can punish people with a mere memo to the National Park Service.

That my friends is bullshit!! 

As we have seen with these park closures and many other obstacles that the Obama regime has handed down due the the shutdown, it is abundantly clear that Washington DC has a firm grasp on everything in peoples lives and can dictate to the population when, where, what, and why at their pleasure. They just proved it. The revolution can’t start soon enough.

2 thoughts on “The Tentacles Of Washington DC

    1. Odie – I think a lot of stuff going on has blown up on Obama, my problem is the reach the government has in influencing day to day American lives. Way too much power, it has been creeping up for decades and we did nothing to stop it, now we can’t.

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