Be Prepared

Be Prepared

Don’t fall for alphabet agencies pushing you to violence……but……keep your powder dry.

3 thoughts on “Be Prepared

  1. Number one rule. Don’t talk. Don’t threaten. Do. And don’t involve ANYONE else if at all possible because ANYONE can be a Fed stoolie.

  2. duh. guys the US military has fired on the “people” a few times already in the past.
    so. do not think they will not again if ordered to do so. look up Kent state for one.
    and then there is Waco. so. if the military is ordered to shoot, they will. PLAN on it.
    I think the illegals will be the army that does enforce martial law when it gets passed.
    remember this one small fact. life is a lot cheaper where they come from. and for a meal and some cash ? hell yes, they will sign up and shoot us. if they can not control us, they want us dead. why else are they pushing gun control so hard ? simple, they plan on doing stuff that would get them shot otherwise.
    comms will be very important in this. they can and do outnumber us unless we can band together- think how the Bundy ranch stand off went down. they do not want us banding together like that again.
    just something to think over.

  3. This concept is not new. We have had non-citizens serve in the military in order to become naturalized in earlier times (WW2, Korea, Vietnam) but never in the numbers that are being discussed now! This is sad. I weep for our youth that will never know the freedoms I have enjoyed.

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