Mount Timpanogas

Mount Timpanogas

I live at the base of this mountain, on the backside is Sundance ski resort. To date Sundance has had 247″ of snow, Alta ski resort has had 434″ of snow this season. There is a summit shack at the top peak, (pictured in the images below), elevation 11,752 Ft.

Most of the state is at 200% of normal snow pack year to date. I wouldn’t say this is a drought buster but it doesn’t get much better this early in the year. 

This is normal, some winters are wet, some are dry, it’s all cyclical. Stop with the climate hysteria!

This is the backside of Timp at the base of Sundance, you can see the large bowl at the top center, that is a glacier with a small glacier lake called Emerald Lake at the base.

Pictured below is the summit shack, I have been there twice, (much, much, younger days), there is a book that you sign when you’re there.

Here is a link to some excellent images and info.

At the bottom of the glacier is Emerald Lake, if you look in the distance you can see Deer Creek reservoir, which is just a few miles from Heber City in the background. Beautiful country.

9 thoughts on “Mount Timpanogas

      1. I have pics of my nephew fishing from the sandbag river bridge on 8th south and State. I also remember the day the week we got nailed by a huge early-April snowstorm that year and also the day the Thistle hill slid.

  1. I had a feeling that either you lived. . . .or had roots. . . . in northern Utah County. I saw a pic of your yellow Camaro recently, and I thought “man, that looks a lot like the lower west cliffs of Timp as seen from west PG or Lindon.” Carry on, fellow Rocky Mountain traveller.

    1. Yup, Utah County, the pics of the car were taken on a cloudy day at Sleepy Ridge golf course. I wanted to post pics of the finished product on a sunny day but storms were coming in and it was going into storage for the winter. Thanks for checking out the blog!

  2. I’m 76. Graduated High School, no advanced degrees except for life. 4 years in the Navy, ’65’69. 30 years as a Teamster truck driver, but as a Republican not a demorat like the powers that be in the Teamsters.
    Why, then, do i realize that the Great Lakes in the country were formed when the glaciers of the ice age melted. MELTED BEFORE ANY INDUSTRY, MELTED BEFORE ANY POPULATION OF PEOPLE.
    But people that are supposed to be smart don’t understand that??

  3. Love the pics of Timp. Thank you.
    Been living here 20+ years after retiring from Uncle Sam.
    (wife is born & raised south Idaho/north Utah)
    I step out my front door & see Timp (Salt Lake County).
    And especially when I go to work (Draper, right at Point of the Mountain).
    This snow delights me no end. An end to the drought, especially given last year’s heat.
    I give thanks to God for every flake that falls, and ask for more (please).
    That said, I give equal thanks for the occasional break in the snowfall (but ask for more snow – please).
    Hopefully this summer will be mild, with another wet winter.

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