Bye Bye

Bye Bye

It’s been a hell of a journey, been doing this for a long time but I’m checking out.

A Nod To The Gods was just a way for me to express myself in a way that was unique….. those days are gone….so with a heavy heart I’m a ghost.

Thanks for following, it’s been quite the ride, hit ’em long and straight and I’ll see you on the course.


99 thoughts on “Bye Bye

  1. Never commented but have enjoyed these blpgs for a long time. Sad to see it go but enjoy your time.
    Stuart e. Nampa id.

  2. Dammit, I really hate to see this.
    I have been a daily reader for years now and I am going to sorely miss your input.
    I can understand it, that doesn’t mean I have to like it.
    My best to you in your future endeavors.

  3. All the best Jeff. I’ve enjoyed swinging by here for awhile.
    Enjoy whatever path you take. We are all realizing time is short for what is coming.
    Be well,


  4. I’m sorry to hear you are checking out. You were a regular part of my morning routine for the past several years.

    Best wishes.

  5. You have been keeping the lights focused where they need be for the 10 or so years I have been visiting your site as part of my daily rite. Thanks, you will be missed.

  6. Completely understandable in these here times. Thanks for all you’ve done. You made a difference so go with head held high. I’ve been coming here for many years and your input will be missed.

  7. Your blog was one of 4 daily “must reads” before 2nd cup of coffee. Will leave a void in our collective spirit, but Fly Safe and Fair Winds and Following Seas. thanks for all the insight.

  8. You’ve been on my daily read list for years. Thanks for all the free ice cream.

    And, have fun completing the Camaro.

  9. Thank you for being a part of my web wandering, best of luck with whatever you fill your days with going forward.

  10. sorry to see you go, you will be missed.. you where one that I would check daily.. I wish you all the best in your next endeavor Or happiness as you grab a drink and put your feet up….

    God Bless!

  11. Well damn, I really wanted to see how the Camaro turned out. Thank you for the enlightenment, laughs, and tits. I’m going to miss your perspective.
    Keep your head down and swing through.
    Good Luck

  12. Damn, hope you’re ok. I’ve really enjoyed most of your work over the years.. I’ll be sad to see you go. Enjoy the Camero, nice work there too.

  13. Del Gue: Which way you headed, Jeremiah?
    Jeremiah Johnson: Canada, maybe. I here there is land there a man has never seen.
    Del Gue: Well, keep your nose in the wind, and your eyes along the skyline.
    Jeremiah Johnson: I will do that, Del Gue.

    I will miss your posts immensely
    Not to ashamed to admit, for an old guy, the r rated randomness was my fav

    God bless you and your family

  14. Sorry to see you go but you must do what is best for you. Thanks for the laughs and the opportunities to think about stuff.

  15. Sorry to see you hand it up. You’ve been a daily stop of mine for years. I hope you’ll leave the blog as an archive of what’s been.

    Thanks for all great posts, interesting topics and thoughtful comments.

    All the best in whatever you do next.

  16. Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! You’ve been at the top of my ” Daily Read” bookmarks for a long time, Jeff. I hope it turns out to only be a hiatus and not a permanent departure, brother. I’ll keep checking in to see if you change your mind.

    If not, fair winds and following seas.

  17. sad to see you go, but if you are checking out; i understand. the usa of old will never return, might as well enjoy your days and posting daily about its decline is not enjoyable. driving a classic sports car with a dog in the passenger seat is, hope you do that daily.

  18. Always enjoyed your blog. Sites like yours, ken’s, Irish and others always gave me something to look forward to and just knowing that other people out there had the same ideas and thoughts as me made it a little easier to deal with all the BS. Very sorry to see you go but completely understand. I’m sure it’s a huge time commitment and probably a lot of trouble at times. Thank you for the entertainment and information and I wish you all good things going forward

  19. Thank you very much for all the terrific posts, thoughts, and visuals. Will miss it all. Best of luck, take care of you and yours, and hope our paths cross somewhere in the future.

  20. Vaya con Dios amigo. I’ll miss your perspective.

    The “R” rated bits were a bonus too!

    God bless all of us moving forward. The Old Days are dead. May the new times see glorious victories…I’ve got beautiful kids and grandkids yet unborn!

    Failure, as they say, is NOT an option!

  21. Been a daily stop of mine for a long time. Going to miss the insight and well..all the rest. Godspeed on your future endeavors, may they bring you wealth and happiness.

  22. Everyone has to choose when its time to ghost. Thank you for keeping us entertained as long as you have. If we all survive this I’ll buy you a beer as a thanks.

  23. Much appreciation for what you’ve shared with us through the years and warmest wishes for you in the future.
    Thank you.

  24. Have been visiting your site for years…..going to miss you and your posts. Thanks, and may Zeus smile upon your next adventures.

  25. And THIS is why Conservatism will die in the U.S. because all the Conservative Bloggers will one by one pack it in and head to the golf course!

    If there is ANY TIME that Conservatives need to stay in the “game” and keep punching away it is NOW!

  26. Enjoy your time! You have entertained many and provided much information for us all free of charge. About time to look after number one. Fair winds and following seas my good man!

  27. Thanks, Jeff … all the way from Canada, eh ? 🇨🇦

    I will miss reading your blog

    Take care, and enjoy your golf !

    David the Canuck

  28. Jeff,
    It’s been great stopping by your blog every day for 4-5 yrs. I have to admit I will miss the beautiful chicks and memes threads. I wish you well in all of your pursuits

  29. All things have an ending. But not all are memorable with a smile. Safe travels. Thanks for being someone who always sought things true, full of clarity, sometimes brutal and yet many creatures beautiful.

  30. Well poop. Sorry to see you go Dude. Have been a regular reader since about the beginning. Have fun with that Camaro and I’ll see you in the funny papers.

  31. Man! Go away for a few days and the world goes all sorts of screwed up! Sorry to see ya go. Best regards in whatever you do to fill the time.

  32. Really enjoyed this blog.
    Great pics, memes, insights.
    Good luck in future endeavours.
    I will check back from time to time in case you slip up and post something on a whim!

    Here’s hoping.

  33. Hey, you now need to have some fun. Been here on and off for a long time. Life and medical stuff has kept me occupied. Would love to buy you a beer or 6 or 18. I guess you can see where to send a paypal email or something.

  34. Sarah Chalke’s nurse character Dolores is most likely a nod to San Francisco’s Mission Dolores church and cemetery, the location for Carlotta Valdes’ grave in Gus and Shawn are still bickering over driving the drivers ed car, even if we don’t see it in the movie. They do manage to be just as bad at turning the right direction when riding a motorcycle together.

  35. Thanks for the good times.

    Best to you and I will keep spot checking back should you ever decide to pick up where you left off.

  36. Me fellow abandoned travellers. Any suggestions for similar content, commentary and right leaning brilliance? Hasn’t been but a few days and I’m already lost.

  37. Well, damn. Another of my favs bites the dust. Take care of yourself and thank you so much for all the entertainment

  38. Just passing through from time to time and have always enjoyed your posts. Sorry to see the lights have been dimmed. Keep the fire low and your powder dry.

  39. Sorry to see you go, but I understand the sentiment and the decision. I hope you are prepared for what is coming (whatever that may be) and that you and your family remain safe, happy, and healthy. Many of the blogs I follow more or less regularly have voluntarily disappeared. Thank you for the information; I know how much work it must have been. Best of wishes.

    On every big departure I have made, I posted this comment, which came to me as an anonymous comment decades ago:

    I make everyone happy, some when I arrive and some when I leave. I trust I have satisfied everyone now.

  40. Sorry to see you stop blogging, Jeffi. Unfortunately, it can become an addiction and like many addictions tend to take over your life. That can have detrimental effects on close relationships. Good luck in the future.

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