The Gathering Storm

The Gathering Storm

What happens after November 3rd (ish) will truly be an absolute crossroads in the life of this nation going forward every bit as crucial as April 19th, 1775, April 12th, 1861, December 7th, 1941 and September 11th, 2001. It took almost 100 years but the government, society and all the institutions and norms associated with it that despite our differences were supposed to keep us unified have been so thoroughly compromised and corrupted, whether for ideological or personal gain (or both), that we are at the point of collapse. 12 years ago, Barack Obama’s election was seen as progressivism’s final victory over what that movement’s followers viewed as a deeply flawed if not completely illegitimate nation. But we the people did not go quietly into that good night. The overt pillaging and persecution of the American people by him and his fellow Democrats and the feckless, useless and ultimately collaborationist GOP-e engendered a reaction: Donald J. Trump.

And for the mortal sin of no longer taking a rhetorical anal gang rape and being grateful for it by shouting “enough!” and electing Trump, we must be destroyed. It’s not just because Trump campaigned on draining the swamp, it’s because he fulfilled his promise to do so, the sabotage from all sides including many allegedly on our own notwithstanding. Before the phony pandemic lockdown and strangulation of our economy and of our Constitutional rights, President Trump did more to advance our rights, our prosperity and our security, at home and abroad, than arguably any other president in our history. In order to do that, he had to drive a stake into the heart of a vampire that had been sucking the life out of our nation. That vampire is far from dead, as we can see from the riots, the election rigging, the censorship and demonization, and all the other meshugas erupting before us as Election Day draws near. As horrendous as the crimes and moral decay of the Bidens are, they’re merely a microcosm of the corrosively evil system and movement that he’s a part of keep reading…..

3 thoughts on “The Gathering Storm

    1. Looked it up:

      The definition of meshugas is a Yiddish word for nonsense or craziness. Crazy or inappropriate behavior is an example of something that would be described as meshugas.

      I’m with you though, lots of people saying “Promises Kept” but no swamp drained, no wall built, etc. Kind of scratching my head on what he’s done really? Not that I’d have voted for Clinton, nor Biden… once again do nothing politicians. Too many people (and I get this is my opinion) put too much trust in Trump to change something… he’s just another politician doing what politicians do, screwing over the middle-class and blaming the poor.

      1. No accomplishments?????
        Aside from bringing peace to the Middle East and Korea??
        I could go on, but read this:
        All in the face of intense resistance from the establishment and media.

        Blaming Trump for not being able to “drain the swamp” is disingenuous.
        He’s not a dictator, which is a good thing. It’s actually the fault of Congress, which you would realize if you knew your Constitution.

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