4 thoughts on “Pete & Tom Bug Out

  1. Steyer was and is a nobody with lots o money. Buttgag, I really though he was the choice of the intel community. Bought and paid for. Guess I was wrong on that one. All I know is for all their “we’ll support the winner” BS, they will never allow Bernie to win the dem nomination.

  2. I was attempting to enjoy an adult beverage at a local watering hole and the local T.V. stations were still playing Styer’s ads. I guess they needed to play out the contract. AMF.

  3. Steyer was running as many commercials as Mini Mike down here in Texas, but while I always want to throw something at the TV when Mini Mike is on, Steyer could put me to sleep if I was on a caffeine high in less than 30 seconds.

    He is one really boring dude and I have no idea why someone that boring could think he had a bat’s chance in Hell of winning!!!!!

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