Buh Bye

Buh Bye

I don’t wish death on anyone but some people I won’t miss after they are gone.

Rep. Elijah Cummings, a Maryland Democrat, died at 68 at Johns Hopkins Hospital early Thursday as a result of complications from longstanding health challenges, his office said in a statement.

6 thoughts on “Buh Bye

  1. Breaking. Adam Schiff just announced: Whistle Blower # 77 reveals: “Trump, the infamous phone call ordered the Ukraine president to “Take Elijah out”, but it went unnoticed in the transcript because President Trump was using “coded Language”.

  2. I’m not so charitable. I’m glad the old racist bastard is dead and facing Satan’s plans for him. And I’d like to arrange for HUNDREDS of his evil commie associates to join him….. forthwith.

  3. Yep. I don’t wish death on anyone because I think about the sadness of their loved ones. I would have welcomed his retirement.

  4. He is being whitewashed now. Forget the public person who was a slug. Christian Post had an article of five things that we need to know about Cummings. Alas, he showed himself to be a patent liar and racist. Such a man is not a christian, regardless of how faithfully he attended church services.

  5. “I don’t wish death on anyone….”
    I do. FUCK him! He was a race baiting, scumbag, and an ignorant scoundrel! I disapproved of his very existence. (H/T Doc Holiday for assistance)

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