Vile Weed

Vile Weed

This 16 year old actress/activist Greta Thunberg vomited up a vile prepared speech in front of the UN. How anybody can give this child air time is beyond me. 

The left trotted out this little girl and tossed her in the spotlight for climate change awareness but her arrogant angry act doesn’t quite pass the smell test, this child has been groomed by the cult of climate change, her brainwashed language isn’t any different than that of a Manson girl.

A cult is a cult.

6 thoughts on “Vile Weed

  1. She is one nasty, little bitch who supposedly is afflicted with Aspergers. Intense preoccupation with a narrow subject, one-sided verbosity, restricted prosody, and physical clumsiness are typical of the condition, according to Wiki. Seems to fit pretty well………..

  2. Yeah, so what. The left has another meat-muppet to use like a rented mule and then will toss away at any opportunity (like the stupid Parkland kids – the bad ones that is) and various ‘normals’ they have used and abused and discarded as they see fit.

    Gee. At 16, how could I get international fame and fortune and take a 20mil sailing yacht across the Atlantic and speak in front of the pedo-UN and shout at some other nation’s chief executive?

    Geez, at 16 all I wanted was A.) not get my arse beat by the boys at school. And B.) to quit being used by the girls at school as a shoulder to cry on. And C.) GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS.

    All my cares about the climate were, was I going to get rained on while going home after being beaten to a pulp by the other boys at school . And Girls.

  3. What little snots. She has no appreciation for what she has been given in life. If she wants to talk to someone whose childhood was robbed, I suggest she have a long talk with Anne Frank. Then she can deport herself to the Congo or Liberia and there she can find out that their main concern is just trying to live from day to day without enough food.

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