Just Say No

Just Say No

But that’s what California’s second drug war is all about.

The first drug war was fought because drug use had devastating social effects. It destroyed minds, spread crime and generated misery. The second drug war is being fought by politicians who think that drugs are great, but want to protect the flow of drug money to their narcosocialist regime.

The big pitch for decriminalization was that law enforcement would no longer have to focus on busting dime bag dealers. Prisons would empty now that the hoi polloi would get its drugs from MedMen instead of the dealer on the corner. Gangs would see their revenues disappear. The cartels would break up. Crime would drop. And the Age of Aquarius would finally be upon us.


keep reading…..


One thought on “Just Say No

  1. The “War On Drugs” is merely a euphemism for the governments true agenda…which is “The War On Freedom”. Politicians don’t give a shit how many people die from drugs…just as they don’t give a shit how many citizens are murdered by criminals because they can’t own/carry a gun. We are nothing but cannon fodder in their quest for personal power, privilege and wealth.

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