Behind The Curtain

Behind The Curtain

As a result of this unremitting ideological promiscuity, the “progressive” party has become progressively more diseased from each submissive encounter. The gangrene that has rotted the body of the party has transformed it into some transnational Dorian Gray. Strutting and noble and handsome when preening before the cameras and the crowds, but putrid and pestilential when you see it as it is in the dull light of its pustule blossoming “new morning.”

Politics is a profession founded on and fueled by hypocrisy. This we all know. But, at the same time, we also need a politics that somewhere within it has a shred of uncompromised decency, the dim understanding of honor, and more than a shred of courage. None of these qualities exists in the Democratic Party today.     Here….

One thought on “Behind The Curtain

  1. The descent of the democrat party into this zombie like mob is the result of the illusion that all democrats have of their being superior to anyone else because they believe in what they do. As soon as your identity relies on belief and not facts or substance, the rather quick trip to fanaticism and insanity is soon to follow.

    Values are not beliefs. Values are anchored in numbers and reality and not in some fanciful notion of a utopian world where everyone chants the same thing, Much like flying, as soon as your feet are off the ground, you had better start checking your instruments as your mind will start playing tricks on you and what you see will not necessarily be the truth.

    The democrats are so invested in their ‘nirvana’ that they cannot allow any contrary opinions. They will eat their own if there is dissent. In reality, their dream is so precariously balanced on their message and monopoly in the media that if any denigrating word gains enough traction, the entire premise will come tumbling down.

    The leadership of the democrats know this. The rank and file does not and as a result act like zealots searching for conservative brains.

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