Deferred Skepticism

Deferred Skepticism

I question our ongoing military presence in Afghanistan but I defer my skepticism to people who have much to lose yet back the war regardless of the potential personal price.

I have seen the devastation of war. I have witnessed the final moments of young men in distant lands, far from all they love and hold dear. I have watched my daughter deploy to combat in Afghanistan and soon might my son. I recognize the personal courage required to make difficult decisions. I know the cost of war. More importantly, I know the price of freedom._ National security advisor retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg

The general and I have something in common: We’ve got skin in the game. His son the lieutenant, like my son the sergeant, is on the “point of the spear,” and our sons actually know each other. When the general talks about “the price of freedom,” it’s not idle rhetoric.  Here…

Gen. Kellogg’s description of Trump’s policy deserves quoting:

We do not seek territorial conquest or occupation. We do not intend to create a government after our own image. We will not set arbitrary timelines. We will use our integrated military, political, and economic efforts to promote stability in the region. We will demand that nations ultimately provide for their own security. Those that harbor terrorist networks must eliminate them.
We will fight those that threaten us wherever they may be. We will fight them at night, in the day, in their supposed sanctuaries. We will give them no rest nor will we grow weary.

4 thoughts on “Deferred Skepticism

  1. I wasn’t thrilled to hear we will be committing more of our young men to Afghanistan but I don’t know enough to know whether it is a good decision or not. My instinct was to wish not to spread our military any more thinly. I listened to Mark Levin one evening and a bunch of troops were calling in to his show to express their enthusiasm for the new strategy and gratitude to finally be able to be unleashed to finish what they started 16 years ago. So, it made me think differently. Who knows better than the troops on the ground. Just hope we stay away from nation building and focus on fixing our own house first. MAGA first and always.

  2. Questions: How do you eliminate an enemy that has survived 1400 plus years using & living by the rules made by an insane being from that time period? What will it take for the world to understand that fight is Islam. It is not “Radicals” who make it so but the difference is the amount of actual fighters to the amount of believers: numbers are being played to fool the mass public. Under sharia law every Muslim must perform jihad: be it a fighter or supporter: under this no one knows who’s the fighter or supporter:

    What is the best way is to take on the problem of Islam.

    Look at the picture as a whole and more importantly remove Islam out of all nations that are not Islamic and have it stay within its origin and or eliminate period.

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