Personality Flaws

Personality Flaws

A few thoughts on Milo Yiannopoulos now that he has been dropped by CPAC. 

I don’t need a gay Brit speaking on the behalf of conservative America. You can be gay and be a conservative in theory but it’s contrary to what I consider being conservative means.

The dismantling of the nuclear family is what continues to chip away at the fabric of what the country was built on. Easy divorce, (which I have been through), single moms, fatherless kids, 31 flavor genders, feminism, pick your victimhood social justice, and homosexuality, are some of the issues that continue to filter into what people consider normal.  

With Milo it seems he’s speaks well and seems to say all the right things but he is also a flaming homosexual, he can’t stop himself from talking about his preferred sexual partners, he can’t stop himself from painted nails, bracelets, and jewelry, he can’t stop himself from being Stephon from the Saturday Night stefanLive parody.

Milo’s antics bother me and I don’t believe he should be celebrated as a voice for conservatives just to prove that the right isn’t homophobic. The left has shown that once a preferred minority is considered normal, there are no boundaries as to what normal is and pretty soon you have perverts in the girls bathrooms.

an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

I’m not afraid of Milo, I’m afraid that America has accepted homosexuality as normal, and that is frightening, but not irrational.


11 thoughts on “Personality Flaws

  1. I like Milo. He is brave, intelligent, and fearless. I am not put off by him being gay. Christians realize that we are all fallen in one way or another. He is an excellent spokesperson for economic nationalism. He will tell you he isn’t a republican and is hardly a conservative. But as a libertarian he supports freedom, small government, school choice, and many other causes in common with conservatism. We should embrace him. He should be re-instated at CPAC. By denying him we are telling the Berzerkly rioters that they were correct to burn things down in their riots and they will continue to burn things down.

    1. Steve – We will agree to disagree. A very well thought out argument and had some info I wasn’t aware of. But the Berzerkly rioters attacked a gay man, one of their sacred people, they will attack anyone that has differing views than theirs.

  2. Having read the whole transcript this is every bit the normalization of molestation that NAMBLA has a manual for. It was dead wrong when Richard Dawkins did it, and it is now.

  3. milo is just a reflection of what America has become by being accepted.

    for 200 years the country very largely followed having strong Christian faith, families, self accountability and self responsibility. somewhere, maybe it was in the 1960s, but in the past 50 years traditional America has declined or is going away.
    there’s some that think trump is going to return the country. imo, he’s one last lap around the track for the country.
    the homo lifestyle will slowly continue to make it harder for the traditional family as it continues to confuse the young when theyre trying to figure things out, the thug culture from the inner cities continues to spread and even if trump kicks out 11 million illegals there are still to many from central and south amewerica since the 1965 act that the country will eventually become majority Hispanic and the country will be goiverned like the corrupt countries they came from because that is what they are used to, although it can be argued we are already governed like a corrpt central American country.

  4. Milo has been a setup by the libs from the word go. Allowing a perv. like him to speak and be acknowledged by MSM (and CPAC), we’ve forfeited that much more of our legitimate righteous indignations…….we sit idly by as societal misfits become our voice…..we’ve played right into the lefts hands. F*** Milo!

  5. Pushing the “legitimacy” of Homosexuality is a Liberal weapon in their arsenal aimed to destroy Traditional America.

    Another weapon is defining “Immigration” as: Allowing anyone and everyone who wants to enter the country, feed off taxpayer funded welfare and demand Americans accept their feral ideology (Islam)”.

  6. conservatism is as big a lie as any other ism .. all it means is do as I say and you get rewarded, just like libs. I can point to a conservative idol, newt Gingrich who worshipped at the alter of government and preferential treatment. milo was entertainment, but spoke only for himself. just like the people on tv and radio are entertainers and should be treated as such

  7. cpac has made a huge mistake. milo will stand up to liberal stupidity and has a backbone. which is more than you can say for most republican “leaders”.

    1. Absolutely! CPAC has lost credibility in my eyes over this. We need to start worrying more about what the proper role of government is, and quit worrying about whom people sleep with. It’s none of anyone else’s business.

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