When Chickens Come Home To Roost

When Chickens Come Home To Roost

   ” This rather old saying, ‘chickens have come home to roost’, is normally used to mean that the bad things that someone has done in the past have come back to bite or haunt the individual.”

In one of the most shocking flip-flops in recent political history, German Chancellor Angela Merkel now says she will deport about 10% of recently arrived migrants — 100,000 of them.

Well, well, well, has Merkel seen the light? Doubtful, she’s up for re-election and her party is being creamed in local elections.

Her extraordinary change of heart has been prompted largely by a series of catastrophic local election results for her ruling Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party, which was trounced by the populist Alternative fur Deutschland in both her home state and the capital Berlin.

Politics 101….which way is the wind blowing? 

But instead Mrs Merkel last week announced her intention to stand for a fourth term as leader of Germany, and now she is striking an increasingly anti-immigrant tone as she attempts to restore her battered reputation ahead of next autumn’s election.


And in her toughest rhetoric yet the German leader told MPs from her party this week: ”The most important thing in the coming months is repatriation, repatriation and once more, repatriation.” The stance marks an astonishing U-turn from the once pro-refugee Chancellor, who has been widely pilloried by critics at home and abroad for her decision to throw open Germany’s borders to millions of migrants.   Keep Reading….

I’m in no position to tell the German people what to do and it may be to late at this point to change direction.

One thought on “When Chickens Come Home To Roost

  1. Unfortunately I too, a German, am not in a position to tell my people what to do.

    Ever so slowly people are waking up to the realities of mass immigration, but in my estimate we’re six years or so behind the US learning curve. Well, maybe Trump will give things an extra boost and speed up learning — but a victory for the anti-immigrationists in next year’s election is not yet in the cards. Partly that’s due to the proportionate voting system, but more so to the still very effective stranglehold of the Cathedral over society.

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