Zero Tolerance States vs Sanctuary Cities

Zero Tolerance States vs Sanctuary Cities

The number of sanctuary cities who will refuse to comply with federal law has grown to 18.


Alright then lets play along. All of the states who don’t want sanctuary cities can post notification in newspapers and other media outlets that law enforcement will continue to enforce federal law and deport illegals that get arrested, the only way to avoid this is to move to a sanctuary city before an arrest can be made.

If the liberal governors and mayors of these cities can hold office, then the people who elected them can live with the consequences.

Ignore them snubbing their noses at federal law, let them reap what the sow.

One thought on “Zero Tolerance States vs Sanctuary Cities

  1. Seems to me that the mayors AND police chiefs (yes that means YOU charliebeck) who refuse to enforce LAWS should be charged with malfeasance, removed from office and locked up, after a fair trial of course.

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