Wasted Away Again in New Hampshire

Wasted Away Again in New Hampshire

What did we learn from the New Hampshire primary? Nothing really.

1 – How does an immensely bland character like Kasich take second? Kasich may get a bump but he will never beat the big three the rest of the way, so his silver medal in New Hampshire accounts for…..nothing really.

2 – How does political bench warmer Bush tie with Cruz and Rubio? He got smoked in Iowa, spent millions in New Hampshire, his and Kasich’s delegate count combined doesn’t top Cruz or come close to Trump. So what to make of the three way tie in NH…nothing really.

3 – How does the old socialist wax Shillary and still get less delegates? Bernie took the witch to the wood shed and the landslide should have given him a lead in the delegate count but due to DNC rules super delegates get to choose their own candidate regardless of the popular vote, so Hillary gets 15, Bernie gets 13. What did his landslide mean…nothing really.

I don’t know the politics in New Hampshire but they seem to be a confused lot.


7 thoughts on “Wasted Away Again in New Hampshire

  1. With the super delegates in the dems primaries Bernie will never be the candidate. The dems know he is washed up and will turn too many people off if he has to debate a cruz or a trump.

    1. Meant to also say that Hillary has spent years getting to goods on super delegates and getting her people appointed as super delegates. So we will see them going for Hillary on mass.

  2. Queen Hillary will not be denied twice. The democRat party is more crooked than a dog’s hind leg. Old Bernie is gonna shake shit up though. Can’t wait for Bloomberg to run and really fuck things up for Hillary.

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