Just Do It

Just Do It

My advice to Trump in a previous post was, if you are going to pick a fight with a Fox News moderator and threaten a boycott, then just do it. It makes no sense drawing a line in the sand if you continue to cross it.

So he’s not doing the debate, good for him. I didn’t think he would do it. I guess if you keep throwing Twitter bombs at Megyn Kelley, eventually you will have to back up the tough talk.

Now follow me on this. He picked a fight, Fox News punched back. If he shows up at the debate after the fact he looks bad. If he doesn’t show up he will be called a whiny little bitch not being able to face Ms. Kelley. It was a lose-lose scenario for him after he started the fight.

That begs the question, why? Why open up a healed wound? The first debate dust up was buried, Roger Ailes and Trump kissed and made up, all was well in the kingdom.

I think he bailed because he genuinely didn’t want to do the debate, didn’t want to face Cruz and the boys, and this was a good excuse. Why give Cruz another shot at him? Trump has a passionate following. He knows his backers would vote for him even if he showed up in a grass skirt and coconut bra, but some could turn if he has a major debate melt down or stumble. Why chance it?

So he doesn’t have to face Cruz, Jeb, or Rubio again, he doesn’t hurt himself in the last national debate when everybody on the stage will be taking shots at the front runner. He blows off spending the week in Iowa where poll numbers show he could lose, debate or not. He blasts through New Hampshire with a huge win and momentum heading south with the Iowa drama tossed in the dust bin of history, much like Santorum’s Iowa win back in 2012.

He took this lose-lose scenario, and in his mind, turned it into victory. And if the debate ratings tank, he successfully poked a stick in the eye of Megyn and Fox News.

So there you have it, in my humble opinion, Trump comes out of this unscathed……..but I’m a Cruz guy, so what do I know.tumblr_lg1yaiI4iC1qd2avdo1_400


10 thoughts on “Just Do It

    1. Francis – I don’t think even Trump could cross that many lines. I don’t think Obama knows what a red line or line in the sand means.

  1. I still firmly believe that Trump will be knocked out of his lead if he actually does sit out tonight’s debate over getting his gigantic ego slightly bruised by Megan Kelly last fall. This will show to all right-thinking GOP voters how he would be if he were to get into the White House – pouting and throwing little tantrums if he doesn’t get his way on everything he wants. What if Congress passes something he doesn’t like or want? Is he going to fire the entire gang? That’s our job as voters, not his as dictator. If we think Mullah Obama has thrown out too many “Executive Edicts” in the last seven-plus years, wait until Trump gets in. I would bet that he will be issuing Executive decrees every day – simply because he can as President. This is just one more reason we need a GOP “Anyone but Trump”. Even another Bush would be better.

    On another topic: I am reading that Hillary thinks that Mullah Obama would make a “great” Supreme Court Justice. Jeezus H. Fucking Christ! That is the most absolute worst thing that could happen to this country – followed very closely by Hillary getting in.

    1. hmmm.

      while I agree trump doesn’t have the temperament to be president, it’s just not going to work against other govt officials and foreign leaders that he cant fire if they don’t do as he wants, I disagree on not showing.

      although his argument is pathetic and childlike, he could only lose ground at this point. it is best imo to not show and make it look like he was taking a stand; I do not know if he planned this the whole time.

  2. Like Rush Limbaugh has concluded: This Trump vs. Fox debacle is the way a Businessman negotiates. We neophytes just don’t see it.

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