Rosen Did Not Make Mistake…..

Rosen Did Not Make Mistake…..

Update: Just as I called it the spin begins, Rachel Maddow calls it an attack on gay and lesbians raising kids. Figures.


….she just did her bosses bidding.
All of this is very well orchestrated by the Obama machine. Don’t think so?
1. Remember the question from George Stephanopoulos at the debate back in November, “can states ban contraceptives”, all he was doing was following orders for the Obamacare mandate on insurance paying for contraceptives. Weeks later Boom! Major political football.





2. Congress  questions an all male panel on the contraceptive issue, feminists go ape shit and all of the sudden this little flower, this wholesome college co-ed, this innocent little Sandra Fluke gets her 15 minutes. Days later Bam! A major political football.





3. Catholic Church and democritters go toe to toe on the legal basis for forcing the church institutions to pay for contraceptives due to the mandate. Rick Santorum takes the bait and is drawn into the swamp. He is perceived as an overboard pious bible thumper and his numbers begin to fall. A few weeks later Wham! Rick is out of the race.




4. Polls show that Romney is slipping in the polls with women voters. A women named Hilary Rosen goes after Anne Romney for being a “stay at home mom”. The same Hilary Rosen who has been to the Whitehouse 35 times since she was hired by Michelle Whatshername Shithead as an image consultant. The next day Kaboom! All hell breaks loose……twitter, blogs, politicians, and the main stream media take sides.






5.  Ms. Rosen was tossed under the bus,  but remember, Obama is driving the bus. Turns out that Ms. Rosen is a lesbian with kids of her own. They are trying to bait Romney into swimming in the same swamp Santorum fell in. Putting Anne Romney out for the response was genius and shut down the “War on Women” spin that is happening now. Pelosi sends out e-mail requesting help with unprecedented “WAR ON WOMEN”.





6. Hilary Rosens firm represents Sandra Fluke….coincidink, I think not.

It is all spin, and has been from day one! DISTRACT AND ATTACK, but for gods sake do NOT bring up Obambam’s record…duh.

2 thoughts on “Rosen Did Not Make Mistake…..

  1. I look at those two woman (Ann Romney and Hilary Rosen) and I realize what this is all about. It’s another UGLY liberal woman jealous of another BEAUTIFUL conservative woman!

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