Stunning Numbers

Stunning Numbers

To fix the unemployment rate, a government basically has two big options: create jobs, or change the definition of what unemployment is. What did our government do? You guessed it. They swept the dirt under the carpet… changing the way unemployment rate is calculated…and they redefined unemployment as “number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits”.

It doesn’t matter that you haven’t had a job since Clinton… in the state’s eyes, you’re NOT unemployed. But when you follow the method the government used to calculate unemployment rates before the 1990s, the shocking rate is more than 3 times bigger – or 24%… far more than we had even during the Great Depression, and close to that of countries on the verge of total collapse, like Spain.

And the sad truth is, there are more than 101 million working-aged Americans unemployed. That’s the entire population of Texas, California, New York, Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania the 6 most populous states here in the US – combined. People who cannot contribute to the economy, who don’t have enough money to buy goods, and who, in a crisis, will probably be the first ones to flood the streets. Yet the government – and the mainstream media outlets – are mum about it.

Count the rest of the population who is either too young or too old to work… and you’ll be dismayed to discover that a mere 86 million Americans are supporting a whopping 317 million people.

This means that the average American worker has to carry 4 people on his back… and even this number is bound to grow.

found here

2 thoughts on “Stunning Numbers

  1. Somebody wrote (was it Mark Twain?) that there are lies, damned lies, and statistics. in the case of the bullshit coming out of the Ayatollah’s so-called administration (read “despotism”) I would say it is all three. The Ayatollah started with his lie when he took his oath of office. And lying has gotten to be a habit with him. Statistics are nothing more than what the pollsters and others of their ilk want them to be. Statistics can and will be manipulated to suit whatever the cause of the moment might be. Statistics can be trusted just about as far as you can throw The Ayatollah.

    Again, President Reagan said, “Trust but verify.” As for The Ayatollah Obama, it should be, “Do not trust and be goddam sure to verify. Then don’t believe a single word of it.”

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