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Month: August 2017

Useless Whiners

Useless Whiners

That’s the thing that is increasingly clear as we see the death spasms of Progressivism in our age. There is no building on Boomer culture. The 60’s are sold as the great achievement of the Baby Boom generation, but in reality is was a memorial to the Yankee ruling class. It’s why there has been no second act to the 60’s. What we see today looks like a cargo cult, played out by a handful a mentally unstable youth, rounded up from local skateboard parks and heroin dens. It’s why the Millennials are just useless whiners.  _ The Zman

Never Were

Never Were

“Black people who were never slaves are fighting white people who were never Nazis over a confederate statue erected by Democrats because Democrats can’t stand their own history anymore.. yet somehow it’s Trump’s fault.” — Jeff Laffite Jones 

H/T American Digest

For What It’s Worth

For What It’s Worth

Charlottesville is in the review mirror, some families are in preparations for funerals, others are tending to wounds, others are throwing gas on a fire that has burnt itself out.

Charlottesville is what happens when you have a country divided along ideological lines. There is a right and a wrong. If you are not sure what the distinction is then you shouldn’t be there in the first place.

The left has shown their colors, we know what/who they are.

The Alt-right is being aligned with white supremacist by the media and liberal politicians which is not what/who we are.

The left and the media are leveraging the violence in Charlottesville for their benefit, it doesn’t help when our side is being broadcast on local and national news coverage with people waving Nazi flags.

As far as I am concerned the Alt-Right needs to stop doing rally’s. The Antifa thugs need an enemy, if the right isn’t there, they will attack whatever symbols of capitalism they can find, usually smashing business windows and burning flags. If that is all the media has to cover, then our side wins without throwing a punch. Be smarter than the useful idiots, let them hang themselves.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” ― Sun TzuThe Art of War

Full Circle

Full Circle

The indoctrination of the children has come full circle, they are now in positions of power, just ask James Damore the fired free thinker at Google.

James Damore is an FIDE chess master who studied at Princeton, MIT and Harvard. He had been working as a software engineer at Google for four years.

Danielle Brown is the new Vice President of Diversity at Google. She has an MBA from the University of Michigan and campaigned for Hillary.

She had been working at Google for a few weeks.

H/T American Digest for the clip

Gaggle, Twatter, & Fakebook – Social Media Goes Social Justice

Gaggle, Twatter, & Fakebook – Social Media Goes Social Justice

I used to use Google, no more. I don’t have a Facebook page, don’t need or want one. I don’t have a twitter feed, getting in a pissing contest with someone at 140 characters seems silly and futile.

It was a good ride Google, buh bye.

“James Damore is what most people think of when they imagine a Google employee. A brilliant original thinker with interests spread across the scientific and technological spectrum. But Danielle Brown is what Google actually is: a Hillary Clinton supporter who handled diversity at Intel and Google.

Google is a search engine monopoly that makes its money from search ads. It began with a revolutionary idea from young engineers much like Damore. Then the engineers became billionaires. And the company that began in a garage hired a Vice President of Diversity to get rid of the brilliant young engineers.

The idea that made Google some twenty years ago was PageRank. It was ahead of its time in utilizing social technology to rate the relevance of a page. The idea has since been cannibalized as Google’s search algorithm favors its own products. And increasingly it also favors its own political views.

As the company swings left, it isn’t interested in the “wisdom of crowds”, only in its own agenda.”   Keep reading…