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Month: February 2017

The Best Lessons

The Best Lessons

It’s that the practical world of productive industry gives one perspective that you cannot get by repeating lecture room jargon to your coevals in the faculty lounge. In the right answer fields, being wrong has consequences. Mistakes leave marks and the best lessons are those that leave scars and as a result, the best men are usually those with the most scars.    here….

10 Trillion Gallons Of Climate Change

10 Trillion Gallons Of Climate Change

I’m not trying to act like I’m happy about the problems being caused by all of the precipitation hitting California. Certainly I would hate to see any major damage caused by theses storms and I hope Oroville dam holds up after the fixes.

I am being a sarcastic ass due to all the climate change, global warming, liberal assholes bloviating about an endless man made drought. It’s weather you nut jobs, and if you would have spent money for dams and fixing your infrastructure, you wouldn’t need to worry about to much water or not enough. Well done Jerry.

Last week, I said that up to a foot of rain could be seen in the Lake Oroville watershed due to a series of “supersoaker storms” coming through. Now, the largest of the storms is bearing down. Dr. Ryan Maue of WeatherBell says there’s going to be an unbelievable “10 trillion gallons” in the next 7 days as more storms come through.   here…


This is not a surprise, it’s happened before:

California has a history of abruptly switching from drought conditions to torrential rain.

Brewer describes a great sheet of brown rippling water extending from the Coast Range to the Sierra Nevada. One-quarter of the state’s estimated 800,000 cattle drowned in the flood, marking the beginning of the end of the cattle-based ranchero society in California. One-third of the state’s property was destroyed, and one home in eight was destroyed completely or carried away by the floodwaters.california-b

The Coming Megafloods, talks about what is responsible for most of the largest historical floods in many western states. The megaflood to strike the American West in recent history occurred during the winter of 1861-62. California bore the brunt of the damage. This disaster turned enormous regions of the state into inland seas for months, and took thousands of human lives. The costs were devastating: one quarter of California’s economy was destroyed, forcing the state into bankruptcy.

Today, the same regions that were submerged in 1861-62 are home to California’s fastest-growing cities. Although this flood is all but forgotten, important lessons from this catastrophe can be learned. Much of the insight can be gleaned from harrowing accounts in diary entries, letters and newspaper articles, as well as the book Up and Down California in 1860-1864, written by William Brewer, who surveyed the new state’s natural resources with state geologist Josiah Whitney.

In 1861, farmers and ranchers were praying for rain after two exceptionally dry decades. In December their prayers were answered with a vengeance, as a series of monstrous Pacific storms slammed—one after another—into the West coast of North America, from Mexico to Canada. The storms produced the most violent flooding residents had ever seen, before or since.

Story over at Scientific American

Branding The Resistence

Branding The Resistence

The “resistance” is a collection of elites, from actors at award shows to fashion magazines to tech billionaires, decrying a popular revolt against their rule. They are not the resistance. They are dictators in exile. They had their chance to impose their vision on the people. And they lost.    here….

Bizarro World

Bizarro World

Arizona: We need to handle immigration.

Liberals (via Obama): No, we are going to sue you because immigration is a federal issue. States have no say in it. 

Trump: Immigration is a federal issue. 

Liberals: No, immigration is a state/city issue!


Good times

Ferret Them Out

Ferret Them Out

Unelected intelligence analysts work for the president, not the other way around. Far too many Trump critics appear not to care that these intelligence agents leaked highly sensitive information to the press — mostly because Trump critics are pleased with the result….
[N]o matter what Flynn did, it is simply not the role of the deep state to target a man working in one of the political branches of the government by dishing to reporters about information it has gathered clandestinely…

So what to do about the deep state?

Fire them, ferret them out and fire them, never to work in a government position again. Then cut off political non-profits so these assholes have nowhere to run. Let them give the private sector a shot and see what the rest of us have to deal with. No more generous benefit packages, no more retreats on the taxpayers dime, no golden parachute, just fucking fired…..buh bye.idNTkyZTViYzVjNjc2Yw==-848d2c0e4e8872757ce51966e74faeda


Reclaiming Sanity

Reclaiming Sanity

Back in the late 70’s early 80’s I recall vividly that I was concerned about polar bears, I don’t know why, it must have been something I heard or read during my youth. I checked the google machine and found little to no information or articles from that far back on the subject. Wiki has a polar bear information page and there are a few other mentions about populations but nothing I could find to acknowledge my worries at that time.

I started raising my family about that same time so my concerns about arctic wildlife ended rather abruptly, but from time to time I thought about the bears. The point being is I was influenced as a young man or child that the polar bear was endangered, no facts, no figures, it just was….and I believed it.

It’s 2017 and there is a large population of adults, teenagers, and children that have their own worries. No facts, no figures, it’s just the way it is….and they believe it. Leftist propaganda running rampant from elementary school to college have this generation worried, worried about the LGTB community, open borders, global warming, racism, ect. all through the skewed lens of a liberal education, not to mention Hollywood and the main stream media.

It took decades for the old hippies to indoctrinate all these people but they were very successful, academia has been consumed by liberals. It’s gonna take a generation to reverse the propaganda that the new students are having shoved down their throats as we speak. The snowflakes of this generation are the byproduct of their liberal education and they don’t even know it. If there was a physical scar for a liberal lobotomy there would be a bunch of scary people walking around. But instead of a scar there’s just a bunch of mentally altered snowflakes walking around that think they know everything because their angry lesbian feminist college professor gave them a participation trophy diploma and boom….your kids Rachel Maddow.

One republican administration isn’t going to change fifty years of indoctrination, nor will it stop the millions of Maddows currently wrapping their progressive tentacles around your kids and grand kids. One thing I do know, if we don’t reverse this liberal subversion quickly, whether or not the polar bears are in danger somebodies gonna be breaking windows, blocking traffic, and protesting for the rights of the polar bear.