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Month: November 2016

Brilliant Insanity

Brilliant Insanity

“Trump is certainly a flawed vessel. Indeed, Peggy Noonan wrote an entire column bemoaning what Trump might have been had he only been sane. But the obvious answer is that a “sane Trump” would never have decided to mount a hostile takeover of the Republican Party by demolishing the weaselly evasive bipartisan consensus on illegal immigration and much else – and then playing smash-mouth with the media in a way no “sane” “respectable” linguini-spined GOP nominee would ever contemplate. In that sense, a “sane Trump” would not be Trump.”

— Mark Steyn

If It Was Easy Everybody Would Be Doing It….

If It Was Easy Everybody Would Be Doing It….


Jon Stewart is a liberal, but he understands the fight.

He was a snarky smart ass on Comedy Central but he nails it in this interview, much to the chagrin of lefties everywhere. You can stop watching after the interview cut, the two ladies at the end from CBS this morning are useless tools.

Grasp The Pebble Grasshopper

Grasp The Pebble Grasshopper

After a student reached out to their professor to say that he needed more time on an assignment because he couldn’t cope with the fact that the “most evil hateful person ever” won the presidential election, the professor didn’t respond in the way he probably expected.    Read More Here….

The student begins, 
“Hi I just wanted to let you know why I haven’t posted yet this week. The election of the most evil hateful person to ever run for president has me very upset and I need time to process it all and get centered so I can figure out how I’m going to get through this. I just can’t even right now. This is so hard. I really need another week to start the healing process you know? I’ll post next week and I’d appreciate not getting points docked because of the circumstances that are beyond my control.”
The Colorado State University professor held back the insults and simply responded by sending the student an excerpt of the late work policy.
“The Original Post must be completed by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. MT and Peer Responses posted by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT. In accordance with the grading rubric, late posts will not be awarded full points.”

Her frank advice is to simply get over it.

 “Students need to realize that we live in a republic where majority rules. That means that the person you voted for doesn’t always win, but you have to just deal with it. I was upset both times Obama won, but I dealt with it. Colleges and professors who baby their students because they’re upset over the election are not doing them any favors. Throwing a tantrum or becoming a basket case when life doesn’t go your way is not how adults behave.”

The professor continued by expressing her insight into the disturbing trend she is seeing among college students and professors alike. She insists that an emotionally-driven generation will not be able to cope with real world problems.

“I can’t imagine what these students will do once they enter the workforce and have a difficult boss or a challenging project, or have personal setbacks. We are raising a generation of crybabies who can’t handle life, and if they don’t get it together I’m very worried for the future of this country.”
Zero Tolerance States vs Sanctuary Cities

Zero Tolerance States vs Sanctuary Cities

The number of sanctuary cities who will refuse to comply with federal law has grown to 18.


Alright then lets play along. All of the states who don’t want sanctuary cities can post notification in newspapers and other media outlets that law enforcement will continue to enforce federal law and deport illegals that get arrested, the only way to avoid this is to move to a sanctuary city before an arrest can be made.

If the liberal governors and mayors of these cities can hold office, then the people who elected them can live with the consequences.

Ignore them snubbing their noses at federal law, let them reap what the sow.

Ten Days

Ten Days

Ten days since the election.
Ten days of reveling in liberal tears.
Ten days of obnoxious and dangerous protesters.
Ten days of Democratic denial.
Ten days of Conservative projection and presumption.

What we know now:

Rham Emanuel’s a dick. Bill DeBalsio doesn’t care about New York business, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray still using leftist mantra that cost Democrats elections.

Megyn Kelly’s not who you think she is, Nancy Pelosi is out, Paul Ryan back in, love him or hate him Bill O’Rielly doesn’t take any shit from leftist media.

Twitter goes full commie, Saturday Night Live both wins and loses, Cher, Miley, Rosie, can’t find their luggage.

The middle-east is still a mess, Putin is Putin, Merkel is a liberal nut job, Sarkozy’s lost, and Iran say’s we can’t do what we say we are going to do.

The Dirt People have hope, the Cloud People are apocalyptic, the dollar hits 14 year high, the DOW sets record, Mexico’s peso struggles.

Ten days down 64 to go. Strange days indeed.





True Colors Shining Through

True Colors Shining Through

You don’t get to be all unicorns and glitter in this world, it’s a nasty, mean, dog eat dog world out there. Wanting the US to be a sovereign nation of laws should be embraced not denigrated as Obama just did. His description about nationalism being dangerous explains his eight years in office.

When you see anti-Trump protesters waving flags from other countries and burning American flags you understand these people want the benefits of American life without the pesky patriotism, which is what Obama is saying. 

Obama: We have to guard against a rise in a crude sort of nationalism or ethnic identity or tribalism that is built around an us and a them. And I will never apologize for saying that the future of humanity and the future of the world is going to be defined by what we have in common as opposed to those things that separate us and ultimately lead us into conflict.

Illegal aliens = Drugs, crime, and a burden on community services, all on the taxpayers dime and well being
Refugees = Drugs, crime, potential terrorism, and a burden on community services, all on the taxpayers dime and well being
How can thinking these things are not good = “Dangerous”?

It’s Not How This Works…..

It’s Not How This Works…..

….it’s not how any of this works.

Time to explain to these cities what federal funding means. Obama did it:

Last month, Obama officials sent a letter to Florida’s Medicaid agency, warning that it may not reauthorize $2.2 billion in unrelated Medicaid funding unless the state agrees to expand Obamacare. These actions make the administration’s priorities crystal clear: expanding welfare for able-bodied adults is more important than funding for hospitals treating poor children, seniors and individuals with disabilities.

What Obama did was blackmail, withholding funds from sanctuary cities is following the law…..period. These lefty politicians want a fight, Trump needs to take the gloves off.   h/t Weasel Zippers for the image
