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Month: May 2014

The Tradeoff

The Tradeoff

“Safety from external danger is the most powerful director of national conduct.

Even the ardent love of liberty will, after a time, give way to its dictates.

The violent destruction of life and property incident to war, the continual effort and alarm attendant on a state of continual danger, will compel nations the most attached to liberty to resort for repose and security to institutions which have a tendency to destroy their
civil and political rights.

To be more safe, they at length become willing to run the risk of being less free.”
– Alexander HamiltonThe Federalist Papers

What Happens When You Put A Community Organizer In Charge Of The US Economy?

What Happens When You Put A Community Organizer In Charge Of The US Economy?

Experience as a community organizer could get you a job as a used car salesman, but it certainly does not teach you how to turn around the largest economy in the world, and obviously this is being born out. Amazing to think we where we could be with someone who actually knew what the hell was going on.

The Heritage Foundation’s chief economist, Stephen Moore, writing on May 1st in the National Review, asked, “What happens to an economy when you do just about everything wrong?” Here’s his list:

 # Say you spend $830 billion on a stimulus stuffed with make-work government-jobs programs and programs to pay people to buy new cars,
# you borrow $6 trillion,
# you launch a government-run healthcare system that incentivizes businesses not to hire more workers,
# you raise tax rates on the businesses that hire workers and on the investors that invest in the businesses that hire workers,
# you print $3 trillion of paper money,
# you shut down an entire industry (coal), and try to regulate and restrain the one industry that actually is booming (oil and gas).
“We made all of these imbecilic moves,” wrote Moore, “and the wonder of it all is that the U.S. economy is growing at all. It is a tribute to the indestructible Energizer Bunny that is the entrepreneurial U.S. economy that it keeps going and going even with all the obstacles.”  I want to argue with his use of “we”, but enough Americans elected Obama twice to justify it.
You don’t have to be an economist to know the truth that has finally sunk into the minds of millions of Americans, many of whom are unemployed or know someone who is. Obama has driven the economy into the toilet. He has foisted trillions of debt on future generations. In order to vote for “the first black President of America”, what those voters and the rest of us got was a man with no experience running so much as a sidewalk lemonade stand.Keep reading
A Politicians End

A Politicians End

“Here richly, with ridiculous display,
The Politician’s corpse was laid away.
While all of his acquaintances sneered and slanged,
I wept: for I had longed to see him hanged.”
– Hillaire Belloc
(via Happy Acres)

The Gay Madness – A Personal Rant

The Gay Madness – A Personal Rant

Watching Michael Sam, the first openly gay NFL football player, kissing his boyfriend after being drafted by the Rams made me want to hurl. If I am considered a homophobe because of my reaction, so be it. I won’t show the image of the big kiss because it repulses me so.0

If your gay, your gay, whatever. But this celebration of homosexuality is more than annoying. They demand tolerance from the straight community yet they throw their lifestyles in our faces. It won’t end with a harmless draft day kiss of two men. Obama has judges across the country overturning state marriage laws even though those laws were voted on by a majority of their citizens. The gay agenda is not a movement of a large portion of the United States, it’s a very small minority that is shoving it down our throats.

Liberal politicians and the media are driving the gay bus and they are pulling into towns across the country, even though most don’t want it. Soon the LGTB crowd will be screaming for acceptance into parades that your families will be attending. The flaming rainbow dance club will be gallivanting in assless chaps down Main Street America on the 4th of July and there is nothing you will be able to do about it. Your children are in the process of a liberal education in your schools, television, and social media to accept this kind of activity as normal. It is not.

What’s being touted as the largest study ever aimed at counting the nation’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender population finds that 3.4% of adults across the USA identify as being part of the LGBT community.

Based on interviews with more than 121,000 individuals, the Gallup survey released Thursday shakes up some stereotypes: LGBT identity is highest among those who are younger, non-white and less educated.

I can deal with the fact that people want to be gay, if it was one of my kids, I would have to come to grips with my personal beliefs and their choice. What I have a very hard time with is the in your face flaunting and potential litigation if you don’t see things their way. How can such a small percentage of the population have so much power? One word: Liberals

If you remember Obama backed traditional marriage in his 2008 campaign. Of course this was a lie, he needed the independent vote to get past Hillary so he was willing to sell whatever to get the votes, then he changed his mind. As soon as he sold out, his progressive colleagues jumped on board and the flood gates opened. Hollywood has always been a bastion of liberals so it was normal for them to begin inserting their own version of gay into TV and movies. If you look closely at the commercials during your favorite sitcom, sporting event, or movie you will see same sex couples in the advertisements. Very subtle but there it is, you and yours are being plugged into the the same subliminal messaging without even knowing it. Take that you old white gun toting conservative.

So here we are, the gayness has sprung into every nook and cranny in our lives, even in our manliest sport professional football and the liberals are celebrating. It’s a sad commentary on the state of our country when a 3.4% minority of the populace can wield such power. Congratulations liberals, you are winning this battle, but you are destroying the fabric of the country in the process. I am terrified for Americas future.

Confessions Of A Liberal Public Defender

Confessions Of A Liberal Public Defender

This is not a racist post so don’t even go there, this a a story of a liberal opening his eyes to reality of the people he serves in his own words.

Still liberal after all these years. Read Entire Article Here

“I am a public defender in a large southern metropolitan area. Fewer than ten percent of the people in the area I serve are black but over 90 per cent of my clients are black. The remaining ten percent are mainly Hispanics but there are a few whites.
I have no explanation for why this is, but crime has racial patterns. Hispanics usually commit two kinds of crime: sexual assault on children and driving under the influence. Blacks commit many violent crimes but very few sex crimes. The handful of whites I see commit all kinds of crimes. In my many years as a public defender I have represented only three Asians, and one was half black.

“The media invariably sugarcoat black behavior. Even the news reports of the very crimes I dealt with in court were slanted. Television news intentionally leaves out unflattering facts about the accused, and sometimes omits names that are obviously black. All this rocked my liberal, tolerant beliefs, but it took me years to set aside my illusions and accept the reality of what I see every day. I have now served thousands of blacks and their families, protecting their rights and defending them in court. What follow are my observations.”

 * Although blacks are only a small percentage of our community, the courthouse is filled with them: the halls and gallery benches are overflowing with black defendants, families, and crime victims.

* An Hispanic will never call me by my first name and will answer my questions directly and with appropriate respect for my position. Whites are similarly respectful. A black man will never call me Mr. Smith; I am always “Mike.” It is not unusual for a 19-year-old black to refer to me as “dog.”

* Unlike people of other races, blacks never see their lawyer as someone who is there to help them. I am a part of the system against which they are waging war. They often explode with anger at me and are quick to blame me for anything that goes wrong in their case.

 * Black men often try to trip me up and challenge my knowledge of the law or the facts of the case. I may repeatedly explain the law, and provide copies of the statute showing, for example, why my client must serve six years if convicted, but he continues to believe that a hand-written note from his “cellie” is controlling law.

“The Constitution allows a defendant to make three crucial decisions in his case. He decides whether to plea guilty or not guilty. He decides whether to have a bench trial or a jury trial. He decides whether he will testify or whether he will remain silent. A client who insists on testifying is almost always making a terrible mistake, but I cannot stop him.”

* Most blacks are unable to speak English well. They cannot conjugate verbs. They have a poor grasp of verb tenses. They have a limited vocabulary. They cannot speak without swearing. They often become hostile on the stand. Many, when they testify, show a complete lack of empathy and are unable to conceal a morality based on the satisfaction of immediate, base needs.

* Prosecutors are delighted when a black defendant takes the stand. It is like shooting fish in a barrel. However, the defense usually gets to cross-examine the black victim, who is likely to make just as bad an impression on the stand as the defendant.

* If you tell a black man that the evidence is very harmful to his case, he will blame you. “You ain’t workin’ fo’ me.” “It like you workin’ with da State.” Every public defender hears this.

* This inability to see things from someone else’s perspective helps explain why there are so many black criminals. They do not understand the pain they are inflicting on others.

“As a public defender, I have learned many things about people. One is that defendants do not have fathers. If a black even knows the name of his father, he knows of him only as a shadowy person with whom he has absolutely no ties. When a client is sentenced, I often beg for mercy on the grounds that the defendant did not have a father and never had a chance in life. I have often tracked down the man’s father–in jail–and have brought him to the sentencing hearing to testify that he never knew his son and never lifted a finger to help him. Often, this is the first time my client has ever met his father. These meetings are utterly unemotional.”

* Many black defendants don’t even have mothers who care about them. Many are raised by grandmothers after the state removes the children from an incompetent teenaged mother. Many of these mothers and grandmothers are mentally unstable, and are completely disconnected from the realities they face in court and in life.

* Black women have great faith in God, but they have a twisted understanding of His role. They do not pray for strength or courage. They pray for results: the satisfaction of immediate needs.

* Part of the problem is that underclass black women begin having babies at age 15. They continue to have babies, with different black men, until they have had five or six. These women do not go to school. They do not work. They are not ashamed to live on public money. They plan their entire lives around the expectation that they will always get free money and never have to work. I do not see this among whites, Hispanics, or any other people.

* The black men who become my clients also do not work. They get social security disability payments for a mental defect or for a vague and invisible physical ailment. They do not pay for anything: not for housing (Grandma lives on welfare and he lives with her), not for food (Grandma and the baby-momma share with him), and not for child support.

* From time to time the media report that although blacks are 12 percent of the population they are 40 percent of the prison population. This is supposed to be an outrage that results from unfair treatment by the criminal justice system. What the media only hint at is another staggering reality: recidivism. Black men are arrested and convicted over and over. It is typical for a black man to have five felony convictions before the age of 30.

“I am a liberal. I believe that those of us who are able to produce abundance have a moral duty to provide basic food, shelter, and medical care for those who cannot care for themselves. I believe we have this duty even to those who can care for themselves but don’t. This world view requires compassion and a willingness to act on it.”

“My experience has taught me that we live in a nation in which a jury is more likely to convict a black defendant who has committed a crime against a white. Even the dullest of blacks know this. There would be a lot more black-on-white crime if this were not the case. However, my experience has also taught me that blacks are different by almost any measure to all other people. They cannot reason as well. They cannot communicate as well. They cannot control their impulses as well. They are a threat to all who cross their paths, black and non-black alike.

I do not know the solution to this problem. I do know that it is wrong to deceive the public. Whatever solutions we seek should be based on the truth rather than what we would prefer was the truth. As for myself, I will continue do my duty to protect the rights of all who need me.”

Democrats Have Been Dirty For Decades

Democrats Have Been Dirty For Decades

Everyone remembers Nixons hasty retreat, but few know the entire story. Quite the eye opener about the dirty tricks and hypocrisy used by Democrats for over 50 years.

To this day Americans know about the Senate Watergate Committee and the results it eventually produced — the resignation of Richard Nixon. For months in 1973 the Senate Watergate Committee patiently, day by day, exposed the activities of the Nixon White House — while deliberately covering up for the Johnson White House and the Democrats. What is not generally known is that LBJ and the Democrats were let off the off hook by Senate Democrats. The fix was in and it was simple. This was an attempt — a successful attempt — to nail Nixon for something his immediate predecessor had in fact done not in one presidential campaign but two. To paint Republicans of the day as corrupt. Period. It worked.


In a very real sense, perhaps the worst thing that happened to Senate and House Democrats was the long stretch of almost unbroken power they enjoyed beginning in 1932’s FDR landslide. From 1932 until 1980 — 48 years — the Democrats had the run of the U.S. Senate for 4A881-35a4 of the 48. Losing control only twice in two brief two-year stretches, 1946-1948 and again from 1952-1954. For those 48 years — that’s literally almost half a century — they dominated all the committees, the staff structure and they set the agenda. For House Democrats the run was even longer — losing control only in the same two cycles as their Senate counterparts, but ruling the House with an iron fist for an even longer reign in 58 of the 62 years between 1932-1994. Well over half-a-century. Such complete control inevitably bred a bold arrogance, an arrogance that in turn encouraged an even bolder hypocrisy which predictably bred corruption. Sauce for the goose was never sauce for the gander. It was OK to get Nixon — verboten to touch LBJ, the President who was, no coincidence, a former Senate Majority Leader himself from 1955 until his election as JFK’s vice president in 1960. By February of 1973 LBJ had died. So the double-standard from Senate Democrats, the bold “F-you” style hypocrisy in protecting even a dead LBJ was staggering.

The hangover from this period of total control has carried into the actions of today’s House and Senate Democrats. read entire article

What To Do About The Girls

What To Do About The Girls

Terrible situation in Africa and of course we want the kids back to their homes unharmed, but where was all of this wringing of hands and outrage when Boko Haram was killing Christians and non-muslims? I guess you only get upset when your victims fit your narrative.

White liberals don’t. They go off to Whole Foods, buy some organic kale, tell the bearded cashier how awful it is that people would abduct little schoolgirls, score some morality points, and go on with their day like they never knew that some people might have to deal with seeing all of their children butchered before their eyes.


And the instigator of this situation is that these girls are attending schools against the cultural traditiondownloads of the area. While Hillary Clinton can pontificate about how education is apparently a basic human right, how are these girls benefiting from this education? Seriously, how are they benefiting? It is destroying their communities, causing them to become prime targets for the slave market, and fueling a bloody civil war. What is the gain except it makes a few Whites and Oprah Winfrey feel good about themselves? White countries have been investing in education initiatives like this ever since we decolonized the continent and the continent has only become worse. Is it all worth it if the girls can now use their newly learned math skills to count how many of their family members have been slaughtered because of their educational pursuit?


Here’s how to solve this situation for good: stop imposing our idiotic liberal values on other peoples and let Africans solve their own problems. We can only delay and make their problems worse. We hope that the girls are found safe, but they are not “our” girls. They are Nigeria’s girls and it is best if we stay out of the country for good. Let them live their lives the way they always have and stop forcing them to live like our degenerated selves. Then maybe the dark continent can find a semblance of peace. keep reading


LGTB Crowd Chalks Up Another Victim

LGTB Crowd Chalks Up Another Victim

This is getting way out of hand. Ever since the Obama regime came forward in support of the LGTB crazies, they have become a vocal group that scare the shit out of executives and CEO’s. Speaking out against gay marriage or even mentioning that it does not align with your religious beliefs is the new racism. Pathetic.

David and Jason Benham issued a statement early Thursday in response to  HGTV’s decision to cancel their upcoming show, “Flip It Forward,” after reports  came to light of the brothers’ past anti-LGBT ministry and political  efforts.


“We were saddened to hear HGTV’s decision,” the brothers wrote. “With all of  the grotesque things that can be seen and heard on television today FlipItyou would  think there would be room for two twin brothers who are faithful to our  families, committed to biblical principles, and dedicated professionals.”

“If our faith costs us a television show then so be it,” they added.

The Benhams said that criticism that they hated gays and lesbians was false  or misconstrued.

“As Christians we are called to love our fellow man. Anyone who suggests that  we hate homosexuals or people of other faiths is either misinformed or lying,”  they wrote.

Much like the bakers, the Mozilla CEO, and Duck Dynasty, they did nothing wrong. They stood for what they believed in. Apparently that is against the liberal rule book. I weep for my country.