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Month: May 2014



“The great virtue of a free market system is that it does not care what color people are; it does not care what their religion is; it only cares whether they can produce something you want to buy. It is the most effective system we have discovered to enable people who hate one another to deal with one another and help one another.”

— Milton Friedman

Crazy Is Crazy. Don’t Try And Sugar Coat It

Crazy Is Crazy. Don’t Try And Sugar Coat It

Killer Elliot Roger was crazy. Even a little weasel like that kid could find a female nutjob like himself to bump uglies with, especially in Kalifornina. His manifesto was an excuse, he wanted to kill, and used that pathetic story to justify it. Crazy is crazy.

Some members of every human group respond in aberrant ways to the menu of incentives. Freeloaders, for example, have been a problem for human settlements since human settlement. Religion is thought to have evolved in response to this fact. Unpredictably violent people have been a feature of human existence since before modern man. Fratricide is not in the Bible for nothin’.


All of the evidence is pointing toward a biological source of crime. Certainly, crimes of opportunity like drugs are a separate class, but violent crime is most likely biological. Habitual theft of various types is most likely biological as well. Recidivism rates amongst career thieves and child molesters are so high that it is impossible not to conclude biology is the source. Some people are just born bad.


The question is what do we do with this unfixable and defective batch of humans? Locking them up is a good start, but letting them out is madness. Throwing the biologically violent in with petty thieves is cruel and senseless. Whatever chance for redemption the thief had going into jail is gone once he bunks up with a rapist or murderer. It seems to me that a sane and decent society looks for alternatives to warehousing the non-salvageable human defects. keep reading

What The Hell Happened?

What The Hell Happened?

“Fifty years ago citizens were not considered a threat. You could buy machine guns and dynamite at your local hardware store. Fast forward fifty years and our elected government considers us such a threat that we can’t be trusted with more than 10 rounds and fireworks. I have to ask what has changed in fifty years, the citizens or our government? Why would they think we are a threat?guns-kids-2
Why do they cripple our economy?
Why do they tax us to death and pay people to do nothing?
Why do they divide us racially and by gender to make us weak as a nation?
Why do they dumb down our children and teach them all alike?
Why do they legalize drugs and open our borders to anybody and anything that wants to come in?
Why do they pass laws to destroy our families and marriages?
Why do they want to cripple our military while at the same time build huge internal bureaucracies that arm themselves with billions of rounds of ammo, tanks, humvees, and high explosives?
What will our beloved country be like in 10 more years? I doubt I will live that long but I feel sorry for the youth who really don’t know any different. May God bless them and protect us all from evil hearts.”

—  Tim Eden (some old guy who’s asking some great questions) found here

Lesbian Mental Health Counselor Kills Two Year Old

Lesbian Mental Health Counselor Kills Two Year Old

Proves the point that when liberals don’t get their way they lose their minds. What a terrible story.

A Florida mental health counselor has been arrested for allegedly murdering her lesbian lover’s two-year-old daughter after the girl’s mother, also a mental health counselor, broke up with her. 

Kymberley Lucas, 40, also tried to kill Jacquelyn Jamason’s 10-year-old son – and possibly herself, police said.

Officers were called to Lucas’ Jupiter, Florida, home Monday for a reported drowning. There, they found Elliana Lucas-Jamason, 2, dead. keep reading


Destroying A Country For Votes

Destroying A Country For Votes

When you live in a real country, the government is a reflection of the people. It is an extension of the people. Discussions about democracy and representative government are all fine and dandy, but they are worthless unless the government is in fact the spear and shield of the people. On the one hand it must attack those who wish to harm the people and defend against those who attack the people. Otherwise, it is not a government. It is just a way to keep people occupied with busy work.

This government, right and left, are sliding down the amnesty slope for votes. Much was made of Romney losing the Latino vote so the GOP is pushing ahead with some sort of amnesty that won’t blow them out of the conservative waters yet appease Mexicans. Democrats are going to try and shove it down our throats for a continuation of Latino backing. None of which is good for the country.

Now look whats happening, not in Tijuana, but Texas.

The first vandalized billboard off I-10 had Plata o Plomo in large black letters which translates into silver or lead. It is usually a warning targeting police or government officials in Mexico. The warning: work with a cartel and take a bribe or get a bullet. The hanging mannequin was dressed in a suit and tie.

Does that look like a safe nation to you? Obama and the left are handing over the keys to the country and this is what America has to look forward to.

“This symbol has historically been used by Mexican drug cartels to threaten or intimidate Mexican citizens, business owners and government officials; however, we have never experienced this in El Paso,” said police in a statement released to media. Keep reading
H/T Weasel Zippers for the pic

Next time it won’t be a mannequin.article-2139876-12EDB01B000005DC-801_634x390

US Postal Service Loses $1.9 Billion 1st QTR 2014

US Postal Service Loses $1.9 Billion 1st QTR 2014

The Federal Government, the only institution that can lose billions of dollars and remain open for business. A private company would go under.

Privatize and shut it down.

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Postal Service said Friday it lost $1.9 billion over the last three months and warned that losses would continue to mount without help from Congress.

Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe said the agency is considering its options, including negotiations with unions to reduce labor costs and another possible increase in prices. “Everything has to be on the table,” Donahoe said. Over the past six months, the Postal Service has shed about 31,000 full-time employees, consolidated 61 processing facilities, eliminated 350 delivery routes and reduced work hours in 5,000 offices. It now has the lowest number of full-time employees since 1966.

Even with all of the changes they are still in the red.

The National Association of Letter Carriers noted that the Postal Service’s operating revenue of $16.3 billion was nearly 1 percent higher than the same period last year, a sign of gradual progress in the agency’s financial picture. Fredric Rolando, the union’s president, said the improvement “shows the absurdity of taking the radical step of degrading the postal network by eliminating Saturday delivery.” “This would cost the USPS its competitive advantage, drive customers away, reduce revenue and make the Postal Service less able to adapt to an evolving society,” Rolando said.