Full diclosure I have seen this on a few sites and was not going to steal it…but I couldn’t help myself.
A Nod to Grouchy Old Cripple and Hookers & Booze the two sites that I found it on. Hilarious.
Tonight it’s Ryan v. Biden. Number one I can’t wait to see Ryan clean house, number two I can’t wait to see Bidens notes.
Labor Department Releases Jobless Numbers…..But Leaves Out One LARGE State
Jobless numbers according to the BLS dropped to lows not seen since 2008. Problem is, they released the numbers without including one “large state”. The state not included would be California, not official, just my guess. It is the most populous and volatile employment environment in the country. So why release the data if it is not complete? Who in their right mind, from a department that is supposed to be collecting data, would release the numbers if it is not complete?
Heres a hint.
The Department of Labor, led by Hilda Solis, is in charge of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, who is led by Dr. Erica Groshen, who both were nominated by Barack Obama, who are both Democrats, who are both Pro Union, Pro Choice, one is Hispanic, the other went to Harvard and specialized in trade unions, collective bargaining, and public policy. It does not matter which one did what, what matters is the ideology of both and the end game of decisions they make that impact America.
They don’t even bother trying to hide this shit anymore. What a slap in the face.
Dr. Erica L. Groshen, who was nominated for a four-year term by President Obama on February 16, is herself a former union member and official who describes herself as “nonpartisan.”
A vote on Solis’s committee confirmation was set on February 5, but postponed after news that Solis’s husband Sam Sayyad had just paid $6,400 in outstanding state and local tax liens dating back to 1993 for his auto repair business.[66][67] Sayyad had filed a separate tax return from Solis, and intended to contest the lien as they were for business taxes he believed to have already paid.[68] A White House spokesperson stated Solis should not be penalized for any mistakes that her husband may have made.[66] The revelations came in the wake of several other Obama nominations troubled or derailed due to tax issues.[66] Committee Republicans subsequently indicated they would not blame Solis, but were still concerned about her ties to American Rights at Work.[68] On February 11, 2009, the committee approved her nomination by voice vote with two votes opposed.[69] After still further delays, Republicans agreed not to subject her nomination to a filibuster and on February 24, 2009, Solis was confirmed by the Senate by a vote of 80–17.[70] She resigned from the House and was sworn into her new position that evening.[71] (A ceremonial swearing in featuring Vice President Joe Biden was later held on March 13
Conflict Of Interest? Na, Just A Great Journalist….hmmph.
Considering the fact that Obama has anything to do with Martha Raddatz is enough to raise concerns. If the roles were reversed, don’t you think the Obambam camp would be going ape shit?
A new report by The Daily Caller is highlighting ties that President Barack Obama has to Martha Raddatz, the moderator of tomorrow’s vice presidential debate.
According to the report, Obama worked on the Harvard Law Review with Raddatz’s ex-husband, Julius Genachowski. Genachowski was later appointed by Obama as chair of the Federal Communications Commission and invited Obama to his 1991 wedding to Raddatz – details that raise questions about a potential conflict of interest, the Daily Caller suggests.
Does this report raise legitimate concerns about Raddatz? Or is the connection too far removed to be a conflict of interest?
“We selected Martha Raddatz because she is a terrific journalist and will be a terrific moderator and we’re thrilled to have her,” Peter Eyre, an adviser to the Commission, said in a statement. “The notion that that somehow affects her ability is not something we have given a moment’s thought to.”
And Mr. Genachowski was appointed to chair the FCC? And he just happened to be a classmate of Obambam’s? I smell something don’t you….something like seasoned cronyism. These guys are good at it.
Want the perfect job, become a Member of the Philadelphia Fedearation of Teachers, (aka a teacher in the school system), You get a killer salary for your 9 months a year of work, you have the best benefit package known to mankind, all paid by the deep pockets of the taxpayer, and you can’t get fired, reprimanded, laid off, or removed for any reason apparently short of murder. And the absolute BEST thing! You can harass and bully students who don’t have the same political view that you have, even though your fucking JOB is to educate, not dictate to your students.
Lynette Gaymon - Union Member (teacher)
So it should come as a surprise to absolutely no one that the Philadelphia Federation of Teacher’s (PFT) told Breitbart.com they have “no plans” to launch a formal investigation of Gaymon and no clue what they would do to even reprimand her. Communication Director, George Jackson says he will “ask around” to see if the union even has disiplinary measures they might take against their teachers who harrass, bully and humiliate students.
Teacher Support Group
The sixteen year old said the teacher compared the shirt to a KKK shirt and informed the girl Carroll was a “democratic” school. Students joined in the fray and sided with the teacher. Pawlucy told the Philadelphia Inquirer students are threatening to attack her when she returns to school. Her parents were also harassed and threatened when they went to the school on Friday to file a formal complaint. Friends of the family told Breitbart.com that students yelled at the couple, “‘to tell the ‘bitch’ [their daughter Samantha] this school is for democrats.”
They aren’t joking. Philadelphia is often referred to as “The People’s Republic” because the city and its failing school district have
been ruled over by a one party Democratic dynasty since the early 1950’s. The Philadelphia Federation of Teacher’s (PFT) represents every teacher in the district (Pennsylvania is a compulsory union state where teachers must pay union dues whether they want to join or not), where Carroll high school resides. That union and its parent organizations, the state level Pennsylvania Federation of Teachers and national American Federation of Teacher (AFT) AFL-CIO, have funneled over $5.8 million dollars to almost exclusively Democratic controlled PACs, parties, candidates and outside spending groups.
– Graduated with “University Honors” from BYU (also known as “Highest Honors”, their most prestigious form of recognition, somewhat equivalent to valedictorian) with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English; he’s not just a numbers guy
– Master’s degree in Business (Harvard, a Baker’s scholar: top 5% of business students)
– Master’s degree in Law (Harvard, graduated Cum Laude / with Honors, top 1/3 of his class)
– Earned both master’s degrees (business AND law) at Harvard University simultaneously (Could you do that? I couldn’t.)
– Had an incredible 80% success rate in private business and now worth between $200 and $250 million (compare this to Obama and many of Obama’s closest advisers who have never had to turn a profit or go hungry, and, no, don’t whine about workers Romney let go when investing in a company while at Bain Capital because you’d be forgetting to look at:
A) the fact that Bain was INVITED by the companies to have Bain invest in them; there were no “hostile takeovers” by Bain Capital and
B) the workers’ jobs Romney saved by saving a dying company and
C) the jobs he created after those struggling companies were turned around and started to grow again)
– Gave away his inheritance in 1998 to start / help fund the “George W. Romney Institute of Public Management” at BYU (his father, George Romney, died in 1995)
– As head of the 2002 Winter Olympics (Salt Lake City) turned a potential loss (-$379M shortfall) into one of the few profit-earning Olympic games (+$100M profit)
– Donated his entire Olympic Games salary and severance package ($1.4M) to charity
– Put aside partisanship prejudices/trash-talk by successfully campaigning/winning the governor’s seat (2003 – 2007) as a Republican in a heavily Democrat-controlled state LONG before Scott Brown
– While governor of Massachusetts, at HIS request, served the people of MA at the salary of $1/year (that’s right, ONE DOLLAR)
– Turned Massachusetts’ budget from red to black while governor (- $3.0B to +$2.16B; that’s “billion” with a “B”)
– Cut taxes 19 times as Massachusetts governor (that’s not a typo, NINETEEN)
– As MA governor, developed a plan that would make deadbeats pay for their own health care (you may not like the MA health care law but that’s what it’s sole purpose was. Still don’t like it because of the mandate? Don’t move to MA.) (BTW, how would YOU have solved the MA healthcare free-loader problem and how would you have done it with an overwhelmingly Democrat-controlled state legislature like Romney had to work with?)
– “Service over self”. Romney endorsed McCain only 2 days after ‘Super Tuesday’ in 2008 when it became obvious McCain was the clear front-runner; America is more important to him than his ego (Can you say “He’s not Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum”?)
– Volunteer service to community as a church head pastor for 13 years all with ZERO pay (that’s right, none); 5 years as a “bishop” and 8 years as a “stake president”
– Would give ALL his Presidential salary ($1.6 Million total) back to the American taxpayers if elected (yes, he’s on record as committing to this)
– Voluntarily turned down enrolling in Medicare when he turned 65 on March 12, 2012 (in other words, he’s NOT sucking up our precious tax dollars because he knows he can, and therefore should, take care of himself)
– He also chose to NOT receive any Social Security payments upon turning 65 because, again, he knows he can take care of himself and therefore should not rely on our tax dollars to help fund his daily living
– Looks, talks and acts “Presidential”
– Released his last 2 years of filed tax records (2010 AND 2011) proving he’s not a tax cheat; paid $1.94 million in federal income taxes in 2011giving him an effective tax rate of 14.1%. AND, the private firm which prepared Romney’s taxes from 1990 through 2009 issued a letter stating that Romney paid 100% of the federal and state income taxes owed during those 20 years. The firm also said Romney’s average annual effective federal tax rate was 20.2% for those 20 years. Satisfied?
– Cares about his fellow man: gave $3,000,000 to charity in 2010 and $4,000,000 to charity in 2011; that’s $7 MILLION in just 2 years. Would you have done that? Romney did.
– He’s pledged (repeatedly) that he’ll repeal Obamacare and REPLACE it with something better.
– And finally…..he’s N-O-T Obama
P.S. – If all one can say about a candidate is that they are a member of “X” church and ignore the talents and character of the person, that person does not deserve the privilege of voting.
I live 4 hours away from Lake Powell…and it is one of the coolest places in America. It has more water front than the coast of California and the parties are epic. We have been going down since ’95 with about 30 people, a houseboat for party HQ, and 5 or 6 runabouts and jet skis. If you ever get the chance….go.
I called this back in May. When the election gets within a month to go, jobless numbers and gas prices will start to drop. I don’t know how they cook the books to make it happen but it happened. Andso it begins.