Nothing To Add…..

Nothing To Add…..

…watch it all.

Wisconsin father and former US Army Captain James Tesauro went off on Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu on Monday after the Senator belittled the father and said he would ignore the 2020 Election despite Supreme Court Justice Mike Gableman’s call to decertify. 


13 thoughts on “Nothing To Add…..

  1. By not moving the decertification process forward they are complicit in the treasonous act. They know this and are still blocking this righteous path.
    They may be more involved in the vote theft and fear for their carriers when this is all brought to light.
    Guess again pals. Treason on this level will not only loose your job but at minimum result on 30 years hard time.

    (Thanks for the pointer Irish.)

  2. It’s refreshing to see a younger person to have their shit together! If more people would wake up and see the writing that they’ve been ignoring for years this country might have a chance to save itself.

  3. I also have a daughter and it is my responsibility to leave her a country in better shape than when I found it. To this endeavor I have been thwarted at every turn and consoled myself that it was the will of the people to go that direction. But in ’08 the election seemed a little fishy and in ’12 it stank like low tide. ’16 led me to believe that some sanity had returned to my fellow citizens but ’20 laid bare the level of corruption that the puppet masters would descend too to not have the control they felt was theirs. Well am I done? In the words of Patrick Henry “I have not even begun to fight.”

    Hold Fast

  4. I had a rant all stirred up in my head, but then realized you’re right. I have nothing to add either. Nice job keeping his composure. I’m not sure I could have kept it together in that senator’s presence. I think it likely they would have had to escort me out of the meeting.

  5. Uh huh. Yeah OK. Great speech. But um…. now what? I’ll tell you now what, As in the words of our new equals…….nuffin!
    That’s right nuffin. The Captains speech was right on. Absolutely spot on. SOOOooo now it goes…….. NO WHERE! LOL NEVER WILL.
    WE THE PEOPLE STILL don’t understand. Sad. The aspect that WE fail to understand, realize and believe is that the deep state, the government, state, local and municipal, are the DEEP STATE. They act in unison for the money, power.
    WE are surrounded now. Surrounded now by our naivety to clearly see the absolute corruption, the decadency leading to the fact that WE let a demented pedo occupy our highest office in the land. WE bitched and moaned. Sued, countered sued, gave speeches, gave tons of money to experts to only tell US what WE already knew. Lip service is what WE bought. Words, nuffin more. Its ALL corrupt. Every institution WE trusted has turned on WE THE PEOPLE.
    And WE keep pleading with our captures for more crumbs.
    WE need to wake up. Take a big whiff of the sweet smell of rot that all politicians have and the bullshit they tell us.
    Talk is what politicians understand and what they thrive on. WE need to ring a louder bell. WE are going nowhere fast.

  6. And the ten week weather forecast for the greater Western Hemisphere, mushroom clouds with a chance of cannabalism.

  7. I’m told what has happened. I’m told what is happening. But not one soul has told me how to stop what will happen. No, my friends, we cannot vote ourselves out of this mess and until the bodies start to drop we will never see another way out.

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