5 thoughts on “Elections Have Consequences…….

  1. and were are they landing first ? Texas. You can almost hear those in DC laughing their buts off that big, red, conservative Texas will get hit the worst. if i were the governor of texas, i’d find out where the federal border stops at mexico and were texas starts and let it be known that anyone crossing that line from the south will be shot on sight.

  2. Daily we hear on TV all about COVID being deadly, so wait until these useless Dems try to import mass amount of immigrants (legal and illegal) guess how that will go over. You cannot shut down the country for a year, preach mask wearing, kill the economy, and then go 180 over night. They think 75 million “deplorables” are dumb, but we are getting madder.

  3. Except that there are more like 40 million plus illegals. Hell, California admitted to having 20 mil of them.

    SO much bullshit.

    1. Actually in the US according to a Yale/MIT study.
      Which if they admit 20 mil, you know it’s 40 minimum. I’m in COncinnati, and I see them all over the place. You?

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