You May Know That Your Society Is Doomed
Altering The Moral Code Of The Republic
From Aces sidebar
Fifty years ago, prayer in the schools was near universal, but no one was punished for not praying. Nowadays, countless people are arrested or fired for praying on school property. West Point’s commanding general reprimanded the football coach for his team’s thanksgiving prayer. Fifty years ago, bringing sexually explicit stuff into schools was treated as a crime, as was “procuring abortion.” Nowadays, schools contract with Planned Parenthood to teach sex, and will not tell parents when they take girls to PP facilities for abortions. Back then, many schools worked with the National Rifle Association to teach gun handling and marksmanship. Now students are arrested and expelled merely for pointing their finger and saying “bang.” In those benighted times, boys who ventured into the girls’ bathroom were expelled as perverts. Now, girls are suspended for objecting to boys coming into the girls’ room under pretense of transgenderism. The mainstreaming of pornography, the invention of abortion as the most inalienable of human rights and, most recently, the designation of opposition to homosexual marriage as a culpable psychosis—none of which is dictated by law enacted by elected officials—is enforced as if it had been. No surprise that America has experienced a drastic drop in the formation of families, with the rise of rates of out-of-wedlock births among whites equal to the rates among blacks that was recognized as disastrous a half-century ago, the near-disappearance of two-parent families among blacks, and the social dislocations attendant to all that.
By denigrating Americans who call for peace, or for wars unto victory over America’s enemies; by excusing or glorifying those who take our enemies’ side or who disrespect the American flag; our rulers have drawn down the American regime’s credit and eroded the people’s patriotism.
As the ruling class destroyed its own authority, it wrecked the republic’s as well. This is no longer the “land where our fathers died,” nor even the country that won World War II. It would be surprising if any society, its identity altered and its most fundamental institutions diminished, had continued to function as before. Ours sure does not, and it is difficult to imagine how it can do so ever again. We can be sure only that the revolution underway among us, like all others, will run its unpredictable course. here….
Lester Holt Auditions For Hillary’s Spox
A Bumper Crop Of Clinton’s
I didn’t watch the debate. I watched the 2014 documentary of “Arnie” on the golf channel, the story of Arnold Palmer’s life. I would switch over to the debate during commercials and was confounded at how stupid these people looked compared to a great man who did nothing but good in his life.
Arnold didn’t come from money, quite the contrary, he needed a sponsor to start out on the PGA tour. He built an empire by himself, learned how to fly his own plane, has hospitals named after him and his late wife. He started the Golf Channel, paved the way for sports superstars to make money other than the sport they play. He never made over $50,000 for any tournament he won including the Masters.
Hillary is a parasite that has made millions living off the taxpayer and laundering money through a bogus foundation. Trump is an ego maniac who got started in business with inherited money. I think Trump loves his country because the system has been very good to him, I think Hillary seeks power, power to move pawns across a warped chess board and in the process enrich herself and her ilk.
Arnold Palmer just wanted to play golf and raise his family, his celebrity came from being honest and humble. He had a swagger but it was confidence in how he played, not because he thought he was the better of people behind the ropes, and that’s what ingratiated him with his fans.
It seems like we are running out of Arnold Palmer’s but we have a bumper crop of Clinton’s, look no further than the parasites infesting DC, and that my friends is a sad state of affairs.
Dilbert Creator Switches To Trump
I’m not a big cartoon fan, I just don’t have time, and I’m an adult. But some people like reading them in the paper so…whatever.
What strikes me about this guy is he has money, probably a large chunk of it, and he doesn’t want Hillary’s proposed estate tax to take another 50% grab of what he has already been taxed 50% on, well no shit Sherlock, welcome to the party. But he also makes a point about Trumps persuasion tactics that I find interesting, and may sway independents if they see it the same way. Below is one of six reasons he gives for switching his endorsement.
“5. Pacing and Leading: Trump always takes the extreme position on matters of safety and security for the country, even if those positions are unconstitutional, impractical, evil, or something that the military would refuse to do. Normal people see this as a dangerous situation. Trained persuaders like me see this as something called pacing and leading. Trump “paces” the public – meaning he matches them in their emotional state, and then some. He does that with his extreme responses on immigration, fighting ISIS, stop-and-frisk, etc. Once Trump has established himself as the biggest bad-ass on the topic, he is free to “lead,” which we see him do by softening his deportation stand, limiting his stop-and-frisk comment to Chicago, reversing his first answer on penalties for abortion, and so on. If you are not trained in persuasion, Trump looks scary. If you understand pacing and leading, you might see him as the safest candidate who has ever gotten this close to the presidency. That’s how I see him.
So when Clinton supporters ask me how I could support a “fascist,” the answer is that he isn’t one. Clinton’s team, with the help of Godzilla, have effectively persuaded the public to see Trump as scary. The persuasion works because Trump’s “pacing” system is not obvious to the public. They see his “first offers” as evidence of evil. They are not. They are technique.
And being chummy with Putin is more likely to keep us safe, whether you find that distasteful or not. Clinton wants to insult Putin into doing what we want. That approach seems dangerous as hell to me.” here…
Golf In Heaven
Moderate Distribution
Running On Empty
Hillary may not lose just the election, but potentially her freedom.
For Hillary Clinton, winning that election may be a legal necessity to protect her from prosecution. Congress, animated by these latest revelations of illegality and corruption, will now pursue her with vigor, while an FBI in the hands of Donald Trump seems likely to show an interest in EmailGate which the Bureau never possessed under President Obama.
Desperate people do desperate things. Count on Hillary to throw every piece of dirt she can at Trump, the debate could determine whether she goes to prison or the White House. What a stunning irony.
Regardless, this story has emerged yet again to tar Hillary Clinton’s reputation at the worst possible time, when her campaign is lagging in the polls. We can be sure that her Republican opponent will mention EmailGate in Monday’s inaugural presidential debate. The Democratic nominee should have coherent answers about her email and server at the ready if she wants to avoid a debacle before the cameras. here….