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Month: October 2015

RNC Should Have Their Heads Examined

RNC Should Have Their Heads Examined

Why in the hell would anyone in their right mind agree to these attack debates? It’s bad enough supposed ally Fox News does the hatchet job, but completely unforgivable Rience Priebus agrees to the enemy doing the remaining dirty work.<> on January 24, 2014 in Washington, DC.




What you hope when you hear a lesbian couple is moving in next door…….10193415_50_600_595-748093



A lesbian interracial couple moved into a suburban St. Louis neighborhood last spring and all hell broke loose almost instantly. In the past six months, the police have been regular visitors to the home of Maritha Hunter-Butler and Melanie Anthony, a couple that would be banned by any normal, middle class neighborhood in any normal society, even if they had not exhibited the sort of aggressive, bullying behavior they have been charged with since they moved in. … The women have, if the reports are correct, brought a toxic mix of racial resentment and homosexual entitlement to the neighborhood. This is the cultural reality of normalized lesbianism — not Ellen DeGeneres glamor, but two psychologically disabled and cruelly misled women pooling their resources to partake of the suburban dream. Hunter-Butler was previously convicted of [attempted] murder-for-hire and has been charged with punching a neighbor in the face. Anthony recently exposed herself to neighbors while making obscene gestures in the presence of children. The women are together raising three boys.  Here….

They Lied

They Lied

Hillary admitted to her family, Libya, and Egypt that the Benghazi attacks were done by terrorists. It’s in her emails, it’s beyond doubt.

She said it was a you-tube video, so did Obama.
They lied because there was an election in two months.
They lied to protect their political ambitions.
They lied to the families of the victims.
They lied to the American people, and apologized to Muslims around the world for the video.

What more do you need to do to be removed from office and sent to prison?



“Government has three primary functions. It should provide for military defense of the nation. It should enforce contracts between individuals. It should protect citizens from crimes against themselves or their property. When government– in pursuit of good intentions tries to rearrange the economy, legislate morality, or help special interests, the cost come in inefficiency, lack of motivation, and loss of freedom. Government should be a referee, not an active player.”

— Milton Freidman (1912-2006)

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