He’s Right
Take the time to watch….
U.S. buses are picking up Illegal aliens in Mexico and transporting them across the border back into the United States.
They are coordinating all of this thru the Asylum App.
They are processed and released immediately once inside U.S. territory.pic.twitter.com/fbFtAQCO7H
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) May 14, 2023
Reap What You Sow
Where the hell is security?
This is happening all over the country every single day, yet nothing is done pic.twitter.com/LZYw8f80SA
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) April 17, 2023
Father demands teacher & high school football coach, Kirk Miller, be fired after providing SEXUAL FANTASIES assignment to children at Churchill High School in Eugene, OR. pic.twitter.com/Shuqxtm1RA
— Big MAGAnon 🇺🇸 (@BigMAGAnon) March 30, 2023
Yes….Who The Hell Initiated This?
Lab “Leak.”
How did they know?
Millions of dollars were required to preorder machines for a process – the mass mailing of unsolicited election ballots to every registered voter – that was then ILLEGAL in America.
Somebody knew early about the 2020 election changes. Who? https://t.co/kr6FdQ08r4
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) March 26, 2023
On March 1, 2020 the largest order in the world ever for ballot envelope stuffing machines was placed by a privately owned Arizona election printer.
Mass mailing of unsolicited election ballots was illegal in America at that time.
How did they know? https://t.co/jaRuv8DuS7
3/3 pic.twitter.com/uskuJpKvr0— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) February 12, 2023
The Actual State of the Union
Singapore is able to have nice things in part because they execute drug dealers by hanging and arrest even petty vandals and thieves and beat them with a cane until they bleed. We don't have nice things because we aren't willing to do what is required to maintain them. https://t.co/n0JLcDPsT3
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) January 23, 2023
Good Question
The FBI currently has Seth Rich’s laptop, Jeffrey Epstein’s sex tapes, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and Mike Lindell’s phone.
And you know which one they’re investigating the most!
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) January 5, 2023
— Mostly Peaceful Memes (@MostlyPeacefull) December 21, 2022
Where Did The Money Go??
The guy looks like a dishwasher at the local café, what the hell did they expect?
Dear @nytimes, for the nth time, there is NO Icarus, no overconfidence, no good guy flying close to Helios. There is NO Greek Tragedy. Stop the f***ck**g mythologizing.
The fellow, Sam Bankman-Fried, committed something called financial fraud.
Simply, fraud. https://t.co/QCjww3X0oW— Nassim Nicholas Taleb (@nntaleb) December 13, 2022