Can’t Blame White Officer For This One
A woman in Baltimore just punched a cop in the face twice.
Don’t think she was expecting to get clocked in the head from behind…
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) May 30, 2020
A woman in Baltimore just punched a cop in the face twice.
Don’t think she was expecting to get clocked in the head from behind…
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) May 30, 2020
Nationwide injunctions prohibit the federal government from enforcing a particular law or policy across the entire country. Progressive cause lawyering groups have used such injunctions to stymie a wide array of Trump policy priorities.
“Since President Trump took office, federal district courts have issued 37 nationwide injunctions against the executive branch — that’s more than one a month,” Barr said during a Tuesday evening speech to the American Law Institute.
“According to the [Justice] Department’s best estimates, courts issued only 27 nationwide injunctions in all of the 20th century,” he added, before bristling at the notion that the disparity is a function of the president’s “lawlessness.”
“De-policing should scare the hell out of every American,” Pomper writes. “Especially at this critical time when our enemies, ISIS and other Islamist terrorists – not to mention our own criminals – are, in the truest sense of the phrase, hunting Americans in the streets.” Why, he asks, “would the left engage in something so suicidal as marginalizing police officers at a time like this? Because ideology and politics trump all.” Bingo.
That politically correct ideology – identity politics – is force-fed even to the cops themselves. In Pomper’s own Seattle, for example, under a Race and Social Justice Initiative established several years ago, officers are required to attend social justice day camps where they are lectured about white privilege, minority victimhood, and “how unconsciously (and consciously) racist and bigoted cops are – especially white cops. Don’t even try to argue; to argue also means you are even more racist. The left isn’t interested in your point of view.” Similar programs have been instituted on other major cities across the country. keep reading….