The New Fox Hole
The Marine Corps in 2013 studied how proficient females were at pull ups. The results were embarrassing. A total of 55 percent of females couldn’t meet the standard of three pull ups. In fact, out of 318 female Marines, the average pull ups they could complete was 1.63. And 20 percent of the total who could actually achieve three pull ups did so by cheating with an extra lower body motion, called “kipping.”
But all of a sudden, the Marine Corps decided to give females yet another year to get their act together. They were allowed the entirety of 2014, as well, to prepare themselves for the pull up requirement.
Then 2015 hit and for some reason females were still allowed to skip pull ups.
Marine Corps Plan Says Women Won’t Have To Do Any Pull ups
While female Marines will strongly be incentivized to do those pull ups to achieve a high score, they can opt for the “flexed-arm hang” instead. For example, females can’t score higher than 50 points for a flexed-arm hang, but just one pull up will net them 51 points, Marine Corps Times reports.
“I think this is a great way to implement the change as it gives an incentive to increase a score without the fear of failing the PFT,” Col. Robin Gallant told Marine Corps Times. “As women work on them to increase their score, they can be confident that they won’t fail a PFT. I think this is a huge benefit and I’m glad it might become a reality.”
What the military is facing is a Lunatic Tax. They can still drive off the dangerously stupid, but they have to accommodate the the whims of the lunatics. That means re-engineering their combat units so they can have a sprinkling of girls in them. When the angry bull-dyke Senator visits, they can show her how enthusiastic they are for girls in combat. This also requires a catalog of euphemisms and esoteric rules to game the theocrats. Everyone in the military now speaks in tongues.
This will not end well. Here…..