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Well hallelujah, finally got my site back up and running so I can post, what a hassle. The site was hit by malware and my hosting service suspended the site until cleaned, I had to get a company that specializes in that kind of thing, then it took a week to get through issues getting it back online and accessing all of the WordPress tools. All of my old admin log ins wouldn’t work but the company I hired did a great job staying with it and getting me up and running.


Glad to be back. I think it’s been two full weeks and a lot of stuff I wanted to post but couldn’t, moral was low and frustration high……but I’m back baby!

Busy, Busy

Busy, Busy

The weather finally broke and the concrete business is booming, I’m doing what I can to keep content flowing but between work and golf I may miss a day here and there….my apologies.

I am on the cusp of 4 million visits and I appreciate every one of them, I’ll do my damnedest to keep you stopping by.

The Truth Hurts Sometimes

The Truth Hurts Sometimes

You also must teach these rules to your children, and teach them to teach the rules to their own children. Because the benefits of white privilege accrue like compound interest over generations. And it only takes one generation, maybe two, to break this golden chain and then you’re back to square one, back to the misery, starvation, ignorance, and squalor that have been endemic to human societies since time immemorial. White privilege is the only path that has ever lead to prosperity for the many, rather than just for the few. So what this world needs is not less white privilege, but more.”   Keep Reading….

Computer Issues ***Updated***

Computer Issues ***Updated***

My computer was buzzing and whirring so I decided to open it up and clean up the fans. Since I am not a computer geek I broke it down like I was changing a starter or a water pump, apparently you need to be a bit more gentle with these things. Long story short one of the fans had a kabazillion tiny copper pins on the back of it that needed to go back precisely the way they came out……they are now mangled and smashed.

My computer will be going into the PC shop to see if it’s salvageable, if not, I will be making a new purchase. That being said posting may be few and far between until the issue is corrected. This post is being done on my work computer so at least I can do an occasional update.


Sounds like the computer guy will be able to save my machine, I haven’t gotten the call to come retrieve it yet, but it sounds positive and inexpensive. Thanks for all the comments and I would like to answer a few of them.

Dave & Rev. Hoagie – Agreed titties and golf is a much better excuse for not posting.
KHS71 – No I didn’t take any pictures before I pulled it apart, it just didn’t seem that complicated….I was wrong.
Toejam, Leonard, Towser, & Samoore – Thanks for the advice, appreciate it.

Hopefully I’ll be back up and running this afternoon or tomorrow, we’ll see.

Talk About Privilege

Talk About Privilege

Jussie Smollett will not be prosecuted for allegedly faking a racial attack, because all charges have been dropped!!!

Let’s review:

A gay black actor who lied about being assaulted, sprayed with bleach, and a rope tied around his neck by two white men wearing MAGA hats has just been given a get out of jail free card. He refuses to give up his phone, his friends are on camera buying the exact items he claimed the two men wore, his friends admitted to the entire hoax, and they have a check that he paid the friends to fake the assault.

He has been sentenced to community service and did not have to admit guilt.

Now imagine he was straight white man that lied about a racial assault by two black men.

With Friends Like These….

With Friends Like These….

In February Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made a deal with Republican President Trump.
McConnell promised to support the President’s emergency declaration on the southern border if President Trump would sign another bloated spending bill that included little to no money for a border barrier.

Now the Turtle is flipping on his deal with POTUS.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has broken a reported promise to President Donald Trump, admitting Monday that he failed to prevent Republican Senators from passing a resolution blocking a national emergency declaration on the U.S.-Mexico border.

McConnell is saying that Trump using his executive powers could set a precedent….bullshit. National emergencies have been declared for all kinds of reasons that are not and never were a national emergency. Some declarations were downright dubious, particularly Obama’s Libya declaration. And to McConnell’s point that a future democratic POTUS could use the power to declare national emergencies against guns is…..double bullshit.

First off, Trumps declaration secures our border, there is ample evidence that securing the border has become numero uno priority considering the invasion that has been ongoing for decades and is now out of fucking control. It is a necessity for the safety of the American people and deters illegal activity along the border, it has nothing to do with the constitution as far as who it effects.

Secondly, a declaration against guns flies directly in the face of the constitution, NO U.S. President in their right mind would ever use executive privilege against the 2nd amendment, they would have an immediate revolution on their hands and they know it, they also know they would not have the luxury of law enforcement on their side and a target on their back, it would be a dangerous idea to even mention in circles they would deem safe spaces.

The Senate mutiny against Trump, regardless of his veto power, reveals the large yellow stripe down the backs of Republicans unwilling to forgo large checks from vested interests in open borders and a liberal like disdain for the American people. Democrats wouldn’t do this to Obama but it’s an all to common practice against Trump.

With friends like these, who needs enemies.