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So Now What?

So Now What?

I got home from work and the channel was on ESPN, they were showing the reaction from George Floyds family as the verdicts were announced, angry black women cheering on each verdict with vengeful pleasure, and thats a supposed sports channel. I can’t even imagine the joy on CNNMSNBCABC blah blah blah…

Ok, they got what they wanted, they also became filthy rich with the 27 million dollar payout from the city. Now what? Do you think by paying them off, sacrificing a white police officer, and allowing the torching of cities that this is over? Doubtful. 

All that’s been done is supercharging the grievance industry, BLM with the help of Antifa have figured it out, and the money is pouring in. Of course they couldn’t do it without the help of politicians and the media rubber stamping it all.

I’ll Take “Shit That Never Happened” for $500 Alex

I’ll Take “Shit That Never Happened” for $500 Alex

Just about had a gut full of this insurrection bullshit.

My thoughts on what happened:

  1. Antifa and BLM thugs planned the breach with help from Dem operatives.
  2. President Trump did nothing to incite anyone in his speech.
  3. Mayor Bowser and Democrats in charge of securing the Capitol had a meager police presence, why?
  4. Staged agitators with media taking pics seems…..odd.
  5. A real insurrection would be extremely violent, this ain’t it.
  6. I didn’t here about any protesters arrested for being armed.
  7. The only gun that was used was by a capitol policeman that killed Ashli Babbitt.
  8. The pipe bombs were at the DNC and RNC headquarters, behind them, in an alley. Were they real?

I believe this was planned from the beginning. As soon as Trump announced he would speak at the rally on the 6th democrats called on their foot soldiers to dress as Trump supporters and wreak whatever havoc they could. I think Pelosi and Bowser let these people into the capitol knowing full well what the optics would be.

These politicians know they have the media in their pockets and the talking heads will say whatever the liberal script is. Pay the agitators, let them in, take pictures and video, plaster it all over television, faux outrage, blame Trump, then list his supporters as domestic terrorists.

It’s all a lie.
The 2020 election was stolen.
We are tax cattle….they may have to put a few of us down if we keep busting down the fence.

Business As Usual….Been Going On For A LONG Time

Business As Usual….Been Going On For A LONG Time

Funny how city after city can burn to the ground as police either willingly or not stand by and let it happen and that was somehow justified. Yet here we are after a year of having our livelihoods as well as our freedoms destroyed on the pretext of a health crisis that was nothing more than bad flu, and now our only legal and legitimate way to protest this, our sacred right to vote for which thousands of our soldiers, among them my uncle, died to preserve, stolen. And those who had the power and the G-d damn duty to stop it not only abrogated that responsibility but turned around and flamed us for pointing it out and demanding they abide by it.

Regardless of whether it was indeed Trump supporters who started the mayhem or not, I certainly understand how it happened, and G-d help me for saying it, I’m just about to the point of condoning it. It is obvious for anyone with eyes to see and a mind to process it that we no longer have a legitimate government, nor do we have legitimate political institutions or regular order. For anyone on our side to blame Trump or us for what happened is the last straw, along with the certification of Joe-Blow as the legitimate winner of the 2020 election.

Slow Posts

Slow Posts

My apologies for the hit and miss posts lately. My wife lost her 92 year old mother last week and I had a golf buddy pass away unexpectedly, things have been a little hectic. The China virus did not play a role in either death.

Be back soon.