“The Forced Welfare Expansion Act”

“The Forced Welfare Expansion Act”


Thus, roughly 81% of the newly insured people in 2016 were simply given free insurance which everyone else funded. How is that a success? A successful reform would have seen people affording their own private health insurance – when and only IF they wanted it – because the product would have gotten better, cheaper, or both. Instead, since that wasn’t accomplished, Obamacare simply pushed people into government-run insurance to pretend it had “solved” the problem. It was called “The AFFORDABLE Care Act,” but a more appropriate name would have been “The Forced Welfare Expansion Act.”
———————- Found here….




One thought on ““The Forced Welfare Expansion Act”

  1. I’m ready to start sitting outside the welfare and Medicaid offices and tailing recipients and if their first start is the liquor store or local drug dealer, getting my 25% back that they got from me first.

    Americans that pay taxes and aren’t completely pissed off at anyone that takes welfare or medical care without a serious disability are stupid. id the same people were living with you and doing nothing but take from you; you’d kick them out within 3 months; but we keep inviting more in ?

    people that voted for Clinton and Obama should have to pay triple tax for putting the rest of the country thru this.

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