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Month: May 2016

When The Walls Come Tumblin’ Down

When The Walls Come Tumblin’ Down

In America, the old Left-Right paradigm no longer makes any sense. The Buckley Conservatives have no meaningful proposals to roll back the welfare state. The Left has no plans to level the playing field by seizing the wealth of the rich and distributing it to the poor. Both sides wave their hands around for old times sake, but they are both open-borders globalists, funded by the buccaneer class of donors.


They are not just indifferent to what happens in your neighborhood. They see such concern as a fault, a mental defect that should exclude you from the halls of power. As far as they’re concerned, you are no more important than the Malaysian sweatshop worker. You’re just an economic unit.


Left and Right are dead. It’s globalist versus localist and everyone is going to have to pick sides, even the libertarians for a change. The #nevertrump loons are picking sides, even if they don’t fully understand it. They are the toadies and rumpswabs that are in the baggage train of every ruling elite. They are the folks who rush into the street to greet the invaders. They don’t understand any of this, but they are men who believe in nothing but self-preservation so it really doesn’t matter. Everyone else will pick sides, based on their perceived self-interest.         here….

Count Me In

Count Me In

I got a Facebook account years ago when it first came out, wanted to keep track of what my kids were posting. I got friend requests from people I hadn’t seen or heard from for decades, many of whom there was a reason for not keeping in touch….I didn’t like them. After a week I shut down my account and wiped clean my Facebook foot print, I didn’t like people knowing where I was, who I interacted with, and family connections that were none of anybodies business but mine. I have not missed it, as a matter of fact, I don’t interact with Facebook period.

Ace has put forward a challenge that I am fully on board with:

Hey, remember the old days when keeping in touch with your friends meant actually keeping in touch with your friends — getting together, having a phone chat, even going old school and dropping a letter?

In what sense is it “keeping in touch” with people when your “keeping in touch” is automated and consists of looking at someone’s wall for two seconds?


And hey — if there are people in your life so ancillary to your existence that “keeping in touch” consists of publishing “news items” about yourself every few days, maybe they’re not really your “friends” at all, but very shallow zombie relationships you’re maintaining the fiction of in order to feel a social connectedness, the real version of which you’re denying yourselves by pretending at it on FaceBook.


Destroy FaceBook. Destroy Twitter. Destroy ABC/Disney/Marvel/ESPN. Destroy NBC.

Considering the liberal tool who owns it and the useful idiots who run Facebook, watching it fold would be a pleasure. It would never happen but a drop in membership or viewership may just get a few panties in a wad. 

32 Years Of Kicking The Can Down The Road

32 Years Of Kicking The Can Down The Road

100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt … all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services taxpayers expect from government._The Grace Commission 1984

The Private Sector Survey on Cost Control (PSSCC), commonly referred to as The Grace Commission, was an investigation requested by United States President Ronald Reagan, authorized in executive order 12369 on June 30, 1982. The focus of it was waste and inefficiency in the US Federal government. Its head, businessman J. Peter Grace,[1] asked the members of that commission to “be bold” and “work like tireless bloodhounds. Don’t leave any stone unturned in your search to root out inefficiency.”

The Grace Commission Report[3] was presented to Congress in January 1984. The report claimed that if its recommendations were followed, $424 billion could be saved in three years, rising to $1.9 trillion per year by the year 2000. It estimated that the national debt, without these reforms, would rise to $13 trillion by the year 2000, while with the reforms they projected it would rise to only $2.5 trillion.[4] Congress ignored the commission’s report. The debt reached $5.8 trillion in the year 2000.[5][6] The national debt reached 13 trillion after the subprime mortgage-collateralized debt obligation crisis in 2008.

Just When You Thought It Was Safe……

Just When You Thought It Was Safe……

….to go back in the woods.

You just can’t make this shit up, people are getting paid too spew this shit out of their liberally triggered pie hole.    here….


Finney cites the work of Joy DeGruy Leary who invented a Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome that she claims black people suffer from. Affected by PTSS, black people experience “fear and mistrust of forests and other green spaces.” According to Finney, the tree is a racist symbol to black people.

“Black people also wanted to go out in the woods and eat apples from the trees,” Finney explains.” But black people were lynched on the trees. The tree became a big symbol.” Black people are triggered by trees and suffer Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome flashbacks. You can’t expect them to go to on a hike.

What shall we do about the racist trees? Finney is front and center at the new “inclusion” initiative, “You’re sitting here making up a rule and assuming that everybody is going to feel comfortable to come to the woods and go on a hike,” she whined. “Maybe they’re not interested in doing that, that’s not how they like to come to the woods.”

In addition to complaining about the racist trees, the inclusion initiative also claimed that national parks alienate Latinos because of the “color of the uniforms that rangers wear.”

What’s wrong with the color of park ranger uniforms? According to the Hispanic Access Foundation, they look too much like the border patrol. Even though the uniforms are actually completely different. But much like the lack of lynchings at Yellowstone National Park, the truth doesn’t matter here.    keep reading…600_418864152


Back in the day they would have these people institutionalized but these days she’s a diversity advisor to the U.S. National Parks Advisory Board, your tax dollars at work.

Deal With It

Deal With It

I would have to agree with the following lament.            found here


You ponder all the as usual shabby and vile candidates offered by the major parties;

you feel your gorge rise;

you feel your brain writhe as you are forced to remember, and not for the first time, just what an evil and soul destroying system the current system is;

you shiver with the very natural and enduring repulsion, and then….

You vote for the one who is the most to the right.


Without fail.

“But I have my principles!”


This is not a kindergarten ethics period just before milk and cookies and a long dirt nap.

We’re playing with live ammunition in 2016.

Man up, grow a pair, and vote for the candidate who is most to the right.

You might hate him.

You might loathe him.

Me. Too.

And I don’t care what his name is.

Stump or

You might want him to be executed by a belt sander on pay-per-view.

Me too.


“But.. but… he can’t win!

Not if you sit home in your eternal dorm room muttering small talk at the wall while I’m in the hall, reliving your visions of political purity, and tossing your brain salad with mixed nuts.

“But… but… he makes me feel bad.”

Me too.

Fine. We get it that you have feelings. We get you feel bad.

Take your feelings back to your dorm room and sob into your pillow until you’re finished. Don’t get any on you. We’ll bring you a box of Kleenex or a hot towel, okay? You done? Good.

Now line up and vote for the candidate who is most to the right.

Be ye of — at the very least — low-info-flow Nike caliber intellectual prowess and “Just Do It.”

Take a series of deep breaths, hold up the hem of your ball gown, keep calm…. and vote for the candidate who is most to the right.

You’re not voting for the candidate, you silly person, you are voting for the right.

Either you are voting for the Right because you believe that the Right is Right for America, or you are not. Sit it out and you are still not voting for what is Right.

And if you happen to think that the Kristolnacht vision of Bill Kristol/Mitt Romney’s 3rd-Party “candidate” could possibly win… then you are a whacked out delusional nut job with a serious case of intellectual insanity.


Sigh. Why are we even wasting time and keyboard strokes on the stupidity of such flatulent quislings as Kristol and Romney? Get back to me when they’ve been buried in the compost pile next to Ross Perot and the Mugwumps.

After all this time of watching the left try to shove it in to America with Obama and break off the handle with Hillary, I should not have to tell Americans that this year it is incumbent upon them to vote for the candidate who is most to the right even if that candidate is wrong.

Yes, yes, I hear your whimpering, whining, and moaning about not getting your favorite of many of this year’s Republican losers is making you upset.

Me too.
I didn’t get my way. Waaaaaaaaa!

Yes, yes, I get that the new boss is likely to be the same as the old boss.

Irrelevant to the game on the ground in 2016. That game is to try to stop the longest run of Democrat rule in the presidency since FDR.

Bearing that in mind you will then, if you love your country more than you love your little imagined 3rd party happy world, vote for the candidate who is most to the right.


Okay, fine, got that.

Now put your old records back on the shelf and vote for the candidate who is most to the right and then….


My favorite sign seen at the Trump rallies throughout the nation in the last few months?

“We came in peace.
This time.”

Now cut the crap and vote for the one who is the most to the right.    found here